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Finally, the study of studies - How Well does the Covid-19 Vaccine protect

Finally, the study of studies - How Well does the Covid-19 Vaccine protect   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 9/9/2022 11:18:17 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Ive had Covid twice, not vaccinated, ( never will be) normal flu symptoms, fatigue.

Resolved on a week.

Covid doesn't kill people, Indiced comas and ventilators did..

Are you a senior citizen- 95.6% of fatalities were in the 45+ year old cohort

in a care home with compromised health conditions? 75% of the fatalities

Those were the most vulnerable demographic.


Compromised respiration is the reason for ventilation. Ventilated patients would necessarily be at greater risk.


I can't speak to induced coma other than to say the patient is sick as feck (circling the drain, as it were) and suffering. Does one narc'em for pain, further suppressing respiration? Seems to me that induced coma and support might be reasonable.


"Fed printed TRILLIOnS.,, Causing Inflation."
 In response to the economic contraction begun under Trump's administration. Six of one and half a dozen of the other. WHich would have been worse: what you condemns as resulting in inflation but reducing the effect of the contraction or a second Great Depression with more than a million dead Americans?

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Finally, the study of studies - How Well does the Covid-19 Vaccine protect +3/-1 bladeslap 9/8/2022 3:39:52 PM