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If you can read our minds, then there's no reason for us to post

If you can read our minds, then there's no reason for us to post  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 10/10/2022 9:53:44 AM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I wouldn't want to read your mind. It would probably be like taking an amusement ride on the "house or horrors"-- a disjointed collection of affirmations fed to you by corporate press inc. They want to create a new citizen-sheeple. They will contain 'democracy' with a big lie if necessary ( Stop the Steal)

As for Pizzagate, ---Sexual deviancy is just another method of crowd control -- and good for keeping the politicians in line, as well.
The masses, crave new stimulation and "raw meat" as it were. The Lib osexual self-exploitation of women ( radical feminism) and sexual revolution led to devaluing them as people -- they became sexual objects to be exploited through pornography, easy divorce, reduced wages, government subsidies ( welfare)-- in short, the diminishment of women's  God -ordained honorable roles as wives and mothers and the intrinsic value contained in those roles

Then the men, unable to find a suitable mate, found serial monogamy and non comittment preferable to the legal and be personal prison of matrimony to Lib woman. -And yet Lib women, despite Gloria Steinems famous quote, did indeed need a man more "than a fish needs a bicycle" -- they ended up becoming middle aged angry, childless, sexually void, and emotionally bitter, working well into retirement years for subsistence wages at menial jobs, abandoned in urban ghettos, driving a used Ford Focus perhaps, and wondering what they will do if the car breaks down, or the dishwasher leAl's.

No wonder their daughters ( the ones who escaped abortion) who were raised without fathers become narcissists and man haters, just like their Lib moms. But that anger is misdirected. Some Lib women shave their hair and wear comfortable shoes, fearing contact with male genitila like the plague (effective birth and mind-control). And many hated Trump as the sum snd personification of all they "hated" about men.

Bill Gates meanwhile, ponders this question like Ebenizer Schrooge " perhaps they should die and decrease the surplus population" as he smiles from his perch aboard his private jet at FL 410.. it's a Gulfstream V - and it doesn't bear the moniker of "Lolita express" like his now deceased pal Jeffry Epstine's jet.

Yeah, old Jeff had a penchant for young girls (at least they weren't young boys) . Jeffrey rationalized his pedo perversion, funding research into the future genetic manipulation of humanity and selective breeding --an interest both he and Bill shared-- ( and young girls as well, apparently).

Horrified at discovering the truth, Melinda Gates divorced Bill. But as a Lib ex-wife with a billion or two at her disposal , you won't find her working in a call-center or Walmart like her feminist sisters. And the non-disclosure terms of her settlement will keep her quiet, no doubt. 

Then there is, was, and will be the "Pizza Gate Scandal."
 Libs were  busy "digging and burying" as fast as MSM could spin and create puff piece interviews back in 2016. The Lib propaganda mills rolled out the tried-and-true " admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations" tactic to deny Pizzagate, despite tons of disturbing and unexplained circumstances pointing to a singular conclusion:

Pedophilia will be the next Lib sacred cow- and sexual sado maschochism ( and CanibaLiam)  not far behind.

Perhaps Libs should celebrate Jeffrey Dahmer as one of their own? 

Keep on denying it, Buddha. You can't help yourself, I know. If you ever entertained the possibility and looked at the evidence, you'd see what others have reasonably concluded. Then your whole falsely constructed political world view and fake narritive would crumble to the ground, like the house of cards it really is...

There's a reason why Hillary had a meltdown on Election Night 2016.

Not enough 

Useful idiots! 

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Our Libz are remarkably silent +3/-3 Shooting Shark 10/9/2022 11:14:31 PM