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Classic Lib diversion tactic

Classic Lib diversion tactic   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 10/10/2022 3:45:48 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Classic lib rebuttal.  
Not a rebuttal actually, just the usual "blame the accuser for what YOU do" we've seen enough of that from you Libz over the past few years.

Pizza gate, The crime too heinous for Libz to face, much less investigate. Thats why you are ineffectual as a propagandist, Crowbot. You recite the party line, for pay. No one takes you seriously.

"I was anal probed by aliens"  Is that worthy of investigation? If not, why not? Because it is extremely unlikely to be based on facts. As is "Comet Ping Pong/Pizzagate". Which means that those that assert such nonsense are best confronted with reality. Pizzagate and QAnon are nonsensical on their face.

Accept either of those and you'll take QAnon seriously, assert that the world is run by a cabal of cannabalistic Jewish pedophiles. Basic anti-Semitism with some stuff stuck on the subject to obsure the bigotry.

Donald J Trump's administration's inaction led to the strongest economic contraction since the Great Depression, reversed his record low unemployment rate resulting in the highest unemployment rate ever and contributed to hundreds of thousands of American deaths by COVID-19.

Why? Because it was an election year and Trump finds it easier to rationalize his failures than act in the best inetersts of America and Americans.

Yeah, that's a record that will get my vote and any thinking American's vote in 2024.

You a veteran? If you are, how do you feel about his heel-spur draft medical? Me, I'm glad that worthless coward did not serve. Now he postures all patriotic and shyte, fondling, groping and grinding against the colors- showing absolutely no respect. Suppose that was your mother...?

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Our Libz are remarkably silent +3/-3 Shooting Shark 10/9/2022 11:14:31 PM