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Author: Old Guy   Date: 6/26/2021 4:59:30 PM  +2/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Oh! I can answer that, whatever the left touches it ruins!

The most obvious is the difference between red and blue states.  How about unemployment rates, number of homeless, crime rate, on and on!

but let's look at things not so obvious.  How about the near destruction of most America universities as places of higher learning.  Outside of a few natural sciences and maybe mathematics and business universities are becoming the laughing stock of intolerance.  When you attend an American university you are taught to have contempt for America and it's founders, to prefer socialism over capitalism, to divide humans by race and ethnicity.  You place feelings over reason.  

The left is poisoning everything - its politicization of everything!

How about football, you can not attend an NFL gave without being subject to left-wing contempt for America and its flag.  

The left has poisoned race relations.  We are the least racist multiracial. Society in the world.  But, on a daily basis, the black left and white left constantly poison minds with hate-filled diatribes.  "White privilege" " "systemic racism" black dorms, black graduations, lies after lies about things like the events in Ferguson.  The left has a long history of being racist, it is in there DNA.

Just a short list of things the left has touched and ruined!

useful idiot 

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