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That's what you take from that?

That's what you take from that?  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/2/2022 8:35:56 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


I know all about the Crusades, the Knights Templar, King Philip and Demolays Murder. And what was the Knights Templar morphed into the Masonic Orders, another logical reaction to the excesses of Christendom, only to be a later vehicle for the advances of Central Banking, Central Government, Global Capitalism, and oddly enough, Occult practices and modern 'Majick'

As Sir Observer II observed above, times change, and often meanings and conclusions are drawn from historical vectors, not just events and persons.

The Crusaders believed they were correct in their crusades to protect Christendom from the aggressive nature of Islamic conquest and cultural-religious hegemony. And the MAGA movement today is similar in many respects. The reigning occupier (Saladin-Biden) is not shy about exerting whatever powers he has towards an end that is not favorable to what a majority of People believe and want in America. 

And when (Trump-Demplay) got too much popular support and wealth/power, he had to be stopped, right? You ( as Crowbot -Cheney- RINO -King Philip) have been trying to burn him at the stake -- but the damn fires keep going out, and ther just ain't enough kindling! 

But if, As French King Philip eventually succeeded in raiding and destroying the Templars, the Masons would grow up in their place. The Masons were later falsely accused of devil worship by their French "CNN" of the day. Within a few centuries  "Baphomet" was the personification of the Christian "Satan" and identified as the deity the masons supposedly worshiped-- and also loosely with the enemy Islamic concept of Allah,( transmogrified for political reasons as "Satan") 

And so, later on  Masonry lacked a orthodox theological center. Later the movement actually devolved into secrecy and mystical occult practices. The original Roman Catholicism originally at the core of the Templars had been stripped from them-- their political, wealth and military power was userped by the Kings, and their religious center betrayed even by by the Pope. 

What will become of MAGA and America might follow a similar course as you Neocon secularists (King Philip) would demonize ("baphomet" ) the MAGA (Templars) and burn their leader  Trump ( Demolay) at the stake. The MAGA movement would go underground--but you wouldn't be able to kill it, or America would die with it! 

"All power is fleeting"

Useful idiots! 


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To budha from below about Epstein +4/-5 observer II 8/31/2022 5:32:05 PM