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Yes-- PIZZA GATE-- Buddha. ( Screwtape Letters)

Yes-- PIZZA GATE-- Buddha. ( Screwtape Letters)   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/17/2022 3:38:52 PM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

My dearest nephew Wormwood,

Yes these filthy mortals are indeed disgusting hybrids! A mixture of "animal flesh and pure spirit" --such is the enemy's twisted sense of humor, creating " Man" and then promising them:

"Know ye not, that ye will one day judge angels?"

I assume that promise would not include us 'fallen angels," being banished from the realms of the entire universe. Being already condemned as we are, forced to inhabit this watery rock orbiting a minor star, on the outskirts of a minor galaxy.

Awaiting a "final judgement" .. All we can do is spite them! 

We demons being removed from our first estate, to us these humans are just playthings. It delights our Father  Below to bring them to eternal perdition -- but in the meantime they can be quite amusing, especially the stuloser they are! 

Consider the irony: The enemy created a world full of beautiful men and women, and somehow we can still convince some of them to engage in devious and perverse sexual copulations that spread disease and damn their souls! The predatory nature of their sexual 'animal instincts' can be so easily exploited! 

The Nazarene once said : "if anyone causes these little ones to sin, it would be better for him on the day of judgement, that a milestone be tied around his neck and he be tossed into the depths of the sea!" We hope to facilitate tying that millstone, since we ourselves have been tossed out of the heavenly realms, and we will ourselves face a "sea of fire" one day, but I digress. 

So how does one cause a 'little one to sin?'  
The Nazarene apparently meant that victimized kids often grow up to become sexual predators and perpetrators themselves-- and then they "sin". Where did it start? Happily for us our demonic work may continue through multiple human generations, all we need to do is tend the garden! 

So Wormwood , as a now senior demonic tempter, try to remember it's our primary job to victimize and corrupt the kiddies! You should strive to do so through several programs our infernal operations department has already put in place:

CRT education,

gender confusion,

fantasy worlds,

video games,

pornography--the list of distractions are almost endless! 

If your luck holds out, you may even get your teenage subject to engage in overt carnal activities that will someday lead him down the road to the anteroom of the Gates of Hades-- ( 'Comet Pizza' )

Just remember to repeat the mantra, "Deny everything, admit nothing, make counter accusations!"

The human Libs aren't known for their critical judgement anyway, especially the younger female democrats.
Offer them ' candy'. and always repeat the propaganda! Ocassio Cortez was a kid less than a decade ago now! 

Never allow them even the slighted moment of critical reflection needed for any conscious behavior -- just beat that media drum!

"Covid Bad! "
"Democrats Good!"

Soon they will all be safely locked away in Our Father's Kingdom Below, where we will feast on their souls for all eternity! 

( the best part is they taste just like fried chicken! )

Don't let us down Wormwood!

Try to convince your teenage subject she is a 'transgender' and let her sing along with the teenaged masses and our infernal choir. -- Hail 'year zero!"

Your affectionate uncle,

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Yes-- PIZZA GATE-- Buddha. +6/-2 Shooting Shark 9/10/2022 9:03:35 PM