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Old Guy and Shark, and Sir Observer II

Old Guy and Shark, and Sir Observer II   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/19/2022 10:52:33 PM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


Yeah.." God save the Queen! "

The whole royalty thing seems really silly if you're an American. 
Queen Elizabeth died at Balmoral Castle, I hear. 
(A royal summer residence for Queen Victoria originally.)

I went there with my wife on vacation a few years back. The have a distillery ( Lochnagar ) where they make high end scotch -- we brought a few bottles back. I do like the UK-- Scotland is about as far away from New England as Florida by airliner (time wise). Direct flight to Edinburgh Scotland outta Boston Logan was about six hours, as I recall.

And while there we visited Culloden Battlefield, where the Brits broke the Scottish rebellion (mid 1700s.) Many scots were later sent to the US as indentured servants...And some of them happily fought the Brits again in New England for our first President George Washington during the American Revolution.

But as fate would have it, my wife and I were in Inverness Scotland on Halloween. The city is just a short drive from the town of Foyers, --where Aleister Crowleys infamous mansion ( Boleskine House) is located. 

Across the street is Boleskine cemetary, which dates as far back as the 1500s,on the shore of loch Ness. 

So having a personal interest in all things religious and arcane, I had once studied Alester Crowleys history and his occult legacy -- I had to visit this place where he did his weird occult rituals. leaving the place himself eventually, but cursing the local residents with the well known hauntings they do claim exist -- as well as some tragedies for the mansions later occupants.

I drove down there with my wife around 10 pM, on October 31st 2019. I took a picture of the Cemetary- was kinda creepy-- when I got back to the hotel, I discovered an odd shaped shadow among the middle of the headstones. 

This Shadow was in the shape of a man.. wearing a shawl and hood apparently, with two glowing eyes. The part that was really surprising was , this was a "live" photo. ( camera recorded a second or so as a video.) 


I'll be damned if this apparition wasnt moving!! it appeared in the photo to be looking left and right as a dark cloud was seen moving toward it. 

The locals avoid that place like the plague, 

they say it's haunted. 

The BBC agrees..they call it "one of the ten most haunted places in the UK"

I ain't skeerd of ghosts. 

But it appears I got a picture of one. 

I went back the next day in the daylight--there's no natural explanation for how that shadow appears in my phone camera. The backgrounds behind it were vacant-- nothing was there to project a shadow upon, but an open field!

And to complete the story, it seems Barbra Bush is the apparent biological offspring of Crowley and her mother Pauline. (The physical resemblance is quite striking at age 60-- she looked just like Crowley) 

-- the story---

Pauline Pierce while visiting her friend Nellie Ohara-- (who was at that time a close associate of Crowley) -- apparently fell under his spell too.  Crowley reputedly conducted a sex-magical ritual, and Nellie and Pauline reputedly  "attended"--  as it were.

Pauline came home pregnant and she later gave birth to Barbara. 
Barbare Pierce later married HW Bush. ..  and they sired GW.

So the weird tale of how a perverted  19th century British Occultist became the biological grandfather of a 21st century  Republican US president, comes full circle. 

Where Creepy Joe got into the mix, is much harder to imagine!

Maybe he's the grandson of George Soros? 

(But they are about the same age, you say..)

Naw.. If suspect Soros is a European vampire, who is at least 150 years old..

And his unholy spawn.. Creepy feeding off the American Middle Class

A middle class that never actually voted for him!!


(((( Election Fraud.)))))

'Creepy Joe got elected Fair and square' , the Libz say.

 That lie is Believed today only by the same hoplessly brainwashed 

useful idiots!! 








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Time to look at real life. +4/-2 Old Guy 9/16/2022 1:18:54 PM