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Trump already got one over on them

Trump already got one over on them  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/14/2022 7:48:06 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Trump was the one that made a statement about the raid.

You can bet the FBI wasn't counting on that. Trump seems to always be one step ahead of these predictable idiots.

Bottom line, even if there are classified documents in his house, it will not go anywhere. We all know what this is about. Its the dems last ditch effort in discrediting a man they hate.

And why do they hate him? Because he isn't a politician, and he made them look like complete incompetent idiots. Trump's only mistake when doing that was he likes to let everyone know just how stupid people really are.

If he would have stayed low key, he wouldn't be attacked so much IMO.

Trump had nothing on private servers that could be hacked like hitlery did. Hitlery was hands on when it came to deleting emails and there was intent.

Even Comey said she was guilty as hell, but they shouldn't bring charges  against her. Comey is a weak, and scared tool that should have never been in any government agency, let alone the FBI.

Trump's house is secured by the secret service. And think about it, when Trump was boxing up his files, the White House should have been involved and ensured there wasn't anything damning he was taking.

Checks and balances people, it's real simple.

So Sam, whoever you are?? Is it crofraud this time, ot budha once This will end in more FBI disgrace as they were also responsible for Jan 6th.

The FBI should be eliminated. They have no credibility anymore. They are nothing more than a political weapon to intimidate political foes. We could use their funding to provide for real law enforcement agencies around the country

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Trump is mounting it +5/-2 Sam 8/13/2022 8:33:26 PM