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Good question

Good question  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/19/2022 10:02:38 AM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I believe when the covid shot was developed, they truly thought it would eliminate the chance of catching the virus and/or the spreading of the virus.

Not sure why they ever thought that because it is a  virus. A cold is a virus, the flu is a virus. And we've had these for centuries. There is no cure for it.

That being said, we've always been told and believed that the flu shot would prevent or lessen the effects of the flu. I myself also believed that and had no reason to think otherwise.

But I also know many people that will no longer get the flu shot because they get far sicker from the shot then they ever did from the actual flu.

I have gotten the flu shot in the past but no longer get it. Maybe I've been lucky, idk.

But this covid shot has caused far too much comtroversy. There is far too much data out there that has shown us it's effectiveness. And this has changed far too many times for anything to be believable now.

Also, the fact that they were trying to force this on every American is alarming in itself. My body, my choice, right? And then to literally terminate employment because of non-compliance is nothing short of a violation of the constitution rights of every American.

Sorry, I got a little sidetracked. To your question as to whether the shot lowers the rate of the covid & hospitalization.

My take on this is there is no way to predict this. I had the covid and didn't even know it. Now, there is no way for me to know if the covid would have  been worse if I had goten the shot.

This is an educated guess in my opinion. And the reason I think that way is because the expectations of this shot has changed a dozen times .

Won't catch the virus, will lessen the symptoms, won't be hospitalized, won't die, etc... Well, we've seen that none of those expectations were accurate.

I guess I just don't understand why they don't come out and simply say, "we were wrong".

Now, are you protected after getting the shot. Maybe for a few months from what I've read. But there is a lot of data out there now telling us that natural immunity is better.

And another question would be, why did they ignore natural immunity for years? It was never discussed in a serious manner.

This post is too long, my bad. But ask yourself this. When the covid first emerged, onlu people 55 and older were at risk. Children weren't even mentioned. They started contracting the virus after they starting pushing that kids get the shot.

My -.02

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Obsy, simple question +4/-1 bladeslap 8/19/2022 9:07:32 AM