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Good question

Good question  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/20/2022 10:04:44 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Well, I don't tthink that anything 100%

I guess my point was that biden originally told everyone that by getting the shot, it would prevent you from contracting the virus.

But that theory was dispelled pretty quick, then the purpose of the shot changed several times after that.

And at one point, he blamed the unvaccinated for the spread. which was complete misinformation and very poor politics.

I believe there is a very small percentage of people out there that haven't gotten it. Many, like myself didn't even know they had it.

There were remedies out there that worked and were ignored. There were medical workers that were told they would be fired if they administered drugs that were not approved by.............who knows who.

My sister died because of the hospitals covid cocktail. A drug known for causing blood clots. Remdezavere

So I feel in many cases, the death rate was increased due to ignorance and politics

My opinion

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Obsy, simple question +4/-1 bladeslap 8/19/2022 9:07:32 AM