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Come on man, this is exacty what you libs wanted

Come on man, this is exacty what you libs wanted  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/21/2022 8:26:21 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Why the negativity?

This is exactly what happens when you defund the police. When you chastize law enforcement and memorialize the thugs.

I mean, what else could possibly be the outcome of such behavior.

All the blue run cities have historic homocide rates. You guys have managed to turn the city of brotherly love into the most crime ridden city in American history. I'd take the Deleware memorial bridge into Jersy just so I didn't have to drive through Philly anymore.

You must ask yourself this question. Why is it that when liberals run things, they turn to shit. Liberal policies DO NOT work.

- They want to release 33% of the prison population. Which is what? 70% black.I doubt whitey is included in the release plan.

- They do not even arrest people if they steal less than $600. That number has probably increased due to bidens high inflation caused by more liberal policies.

- They are tearing down our history and replacing it with statues of black thugs. Thugs that have killed people, thugs that have ALL broken the law. But thugs that have been terminated by white law enforcement only. Let's ignore the true facts that cops kill far more whites than blacks. But they want to focus strictly on white/black killings. Also keep in mind every single account was the thug not cooperating and being combative.

- They encourage and support BLM & ANTIFA which has resulted in billions of dollars in damage.Billions of dollars in damage that will be passed onto the American taxpayer.

- They encourage and support of the harrassing of our Supreme court judges. And the dems refused to provide extra security for them. All conservative judges BTW. Hoping of course some nut will terminate one of them so they can appoint more liberalism.

I can understand why a lib doesn't want to get into this one.. I would avoid it like the plague. But it does show what they are. And that's the point here

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So let's have a big hand for governor Gavin Newsome +6/-3 observer II 8/19/2022 3:52:16 PM