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Good question

Good question  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/22/2022 7:22:02 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Well, I just don't think you understand that there is no possible way to detemine the severity of symptoms, with, or without the shot.

Long covid was just the next step in justifying the shot. For starters, it is not a vaccination, and never was a vaccination. Thye even changed the definition of vaccination to accommodate their new stance.

Doesn't the back pedaling alarm you? Biden did say it would pervent getting the virus. A mistake, it is now, but he never apologized for it. Tell me how you would feel if Trump made that same mistake? Be honest

As far as long covid goes, I know many people that now have issues because they got the shot. Why isn't that ever mentioned. And why is it never mentioned the multitudes of people that died from getting the shot. And there are plenty.

I'm telling you budha, once they put a dollar amount on this thing, the data was doomed. There are far too many accounts of false positives, and double death counts to believe any of the numbers they came up with. This virus wasn't nearly what they said it was.

Do you agree with their stance in regards to firing millions of people for non-compliance?

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Obsy, simple question +4/-1 bladeslap 8/19/2022 9:07:32 AM