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Brittany Grimes, soon to be rescued by superman

Brittany Grimes, soon to be rescued by superman  

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Author: observer II   Date: 8/22/2022 7:50:00 AM  +3/-3  

Great news jettsheep, one of your idols Dennis Rodman somehow got permission to travel to Russia. Do you really need permission to travel to Russia??? Another mystery to be solved in this case, huh??

Anyway, the tatooed ridden freak of nature is traveling to Russia to break the drug smuggling Grimes out of a Russian prison. Can Rodman possibly make it through a metal detector?? lol It would take him hours to remove all that bling, hahaha

Maybe if he asks know, like Danny did to Colonel Jessup.

The only possible good thing that can happen here is that they incarcerate Rodman for being delusional. I think that's a crime in Russia. So you libs stay away, ya hear??

So when we read about Rodman's prison sentence, my guess is he'll be involved in a trade with North Korea. Because Rodman and Ding Dong Dumb are tight buddies.

It's amazing what must go through someones mind wheb they feel the need to do stupid things like that. But libs are a different species

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Brittany Grimes, soon to be rescued by superman +3/-3 observer II 8/22/2022 7:50:00 AM