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Good question

Good question  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/22/2022 12:53:13 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Let's take each issue one by one

Well, I just don't think you understand that there is no possible way to detemine the severity of symptoms, with, or without the shot.

Yes there actually is - Hospitalization and ICU are directly related to the severity of symptoms; When someone is hospitalized, they know whether they got the vaccine or not. Also, at least in our state, they have surveys that are done for everybody who has gotten the vaccine. They track who has gotten sick etc. There are also studies in which they track people who have been and have not been vaccinated and track over time the severity of the illness. So to your point, YES, it's highly trackable. There is MORE than definitive proof that being vaccinated prevents 90% + of severe illness / hospitalizaiton.

COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths by Vaccination Status (

And here is Covid Case rates - How much the vaccination helps:

Clear that being unvaccinated, over 65 as an example, you are over 200% more likley to get covid

For hospitalizations, in the 12-34 age group, you are 410% more likely to require hospitalization

Covid Death Rates: in 65+, you are 310% more likely to die of covid if you are unvaccinated (Just for those who got 2 shots)


Keep in mind, this is conservative data because it doesnt deal with those who got the booster...Just the primary 2 shots

Long covid was just the next step in justifying the shot. For starters, it is not a vaccination, and never was a vaccination. Thye even changed the definition of vaccination to accommodate their new stance.

You are reading too much conspiracy stuff - Please let's get away from teh Alex Jones stuff. Yes, it's a vaccine. It trains the body to fight the virus. And yes, 30% of people who have had covid hve "long covid" _ symptoms that have not resolved. 

Covid-19 vaccination cuts the risk of Long Covid in Half

COVID-19 vaccination halves the risk of Long COVID | Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance



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Doesn't the back pedaling alarm you? Biden did say it would pervent getting the virus. A mistake, it is now, but he never apologized for it. Tell me how you would feel if Trump made that same mistake? Be honest

You are doing yourself a disservice. You are missing the entire forest from the trees

1. The vaccine reduces your risk of getting sick, of getting severely ill, and dying. It also reduces your change of long covid. You're trying to make an issue out of a mix-up of words by Biden? Is that all you've got? The fact that he used the wrong word in a speech? You're hyperfocussing rather than looking at WHAT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE VACCINE IS

As far as long covid goes, I know many people that now have issues because they got the shot. Why isn't that ever mentioned. And why is it never mentioned the multitudes of people that died from getting the shot. And there are plenty.

And i know many many people who have Long Covid ... Breathing issues ... Cognitive ... 

I'm telling you budha, once they put a dollar amount on this thing, the data was doomed. There are far too many accounts of false positives, and double death counts to believe any of the numbers they came up with. This virus wasn't nearly what they said it was.

You are reverberating conspiracy theories. The data completely disagrees with you. Why is it that when REAL data, in peer reviewed studies is presented to you, you ignore it and quote the sources that agree with your world view? Have you ever done a google search on "Covid Vaccine Effectiveness" 

COVID-19 vaccine waning and effectiveness and side-effects of boosters: a prospective community study from the ZOE COVID Study - The Lancet Infectious Diseases

That is from the most authoritative publication - "The Lancet Infections Disease" journal. They rigorously scrutinize research articles to ensure they meet the standards to be published. Not only in the U.S., but the world uses this as the basis and foundation for infectious diseases.

Please quote for me the sources you are using to get your information

Do you agree with their stance in regards to firing millions of people for non-compliance?

I don't have an opinion of that either way - 

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Obsy, simple question +4/-1 bladeslap 8/19/2022 9:07:32 AM