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Crowbots Trump obsession

Crowbots Trump obsession  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/9/2021 11:31:35 AM  +4/-4  

Gawd, you'd think our resident DNC propagandist woulda moved on by now, but no.. 

Trump is the victim of many things, especially people with OBSESSIONs concerning famous people.

A psychological profile of Crowbot has been conducted by our Atlantis "Social Media Profiling" experts, an off shoot of our S&T  branch the AIS (Science and Technology branch, Atlantis Intelligence Service )

We study and track the mind-virus infection infection called "progressivism" -- cultural Marxism in its many forms whilst making time projections concerning the extinction of the human race. We provide a daily briefing to the Great Whales.

They are concerned, but not alarmed. Unfit humans are still a part of the Creators plan it seems, genocide and eugenics have a spiritual origin, and Libz are the necessary lemmings careening over the cliff with Occassio Cortez and Sleepy Creepy Joe.

We sea creatures have witnessed all this before. 

In the Polish Nazi death camp Treblinka, some of the stronger victims were separated from those marked for immediate death. They were used to load and stack bodies from the gas chambers. They were used to fuel giant incineration pits when hundreds of thousands of bodies were exhumed and burned in an attempt to cover up the enormity of the crime -- Like the DNC, the Nazis didn't care about TRUTH. The truth ( and history) would be what the "Party" said it was.

Crowbot made a similar statement here that seems in line with Nazi propagandists

"Tell em what is, then tell em what you told em"--

yeah, Himmler would certainly agree. 

So it really doesn't matter to him if Crowbot deliberately ignores and spins the following facts:

1. Covid 19 is a politicized scam intended to massively redistribute personal wealth and break the US economy -/ producing inflation,  inflating outta National debt in relative terms-- " Moral Hazzard"

2. Creepy Joes wasn't elected. The Election was outright fraud and collusion. The last election enshrined the death of American Democracy. The country was bought and is being sold out by billionaire oligarchs, corporations snd legacy government institutions. Joe is their present puppet. You Libz are their ignorant sheeple. 

3. There is a eugenic component to all the above. Bill Gates is a population control nut, and he wants to put a shot in your arm. Hitlers "T-4 euthanasia program" started with the feeble minded and the genetically deformed. ( Libz?) The same cadre that ran that program in Germany later ran the death camps. Like the Clintons and Gates, many camp guards lived well into old age in Germany after the war and were never prosecuted, "just following orders"

(Get your shots-- wear your masks--show us your papers! ) 

Crowbot has the same profile as a Jewish camp slave in Treblinka. He dutifully stacks y the corpses and talks his shit on this site, doing whatever it takes to stay alive politically under the DNC mafia regime presently running the camp. Propaganda. The 'Master Race' (but YOU ain't one of 'em) 

My apologies to the actual victims of the Holocaust- it's a strained comparison at the moment comparing the NAZIs to the DNC -- but only in the sense they haven't yet resorted to the overt means the Nazis did. In sheer numbers, aboration and present economic manipulations will cause death and destruction on a scale the NAZIs  might have envied. Americans will need to nip this DNC mafia in the bud, or "Friendly Facsism" will destroy this country, with "plausible deniability" -- since like the NAZIs they always cover up their crimes against humanity.

Ignore this fool.

Crowbot is a "Death Camp inmate" just like the rest of us.


unlike the large Conservative Majority who actually elected and approved of Trump's policies

this fool Crowbot says he's a "Jew" ( metaphorically speaking) 

a "conservative Republican"

and he votes for Hitler! ( metaphorically speaking) the DNC "NAZIs"

Useful Idiot.

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