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Define: Conspiracy Theories...

Define: Conspiracy Theories...   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/10/2021 12:11:51 PM  +6/-6   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


1. NAIVETE: Anyone who blindfly accepts propaganda from MSM sources without a jealthy dose of skepticism, (without realizing these are wholly owned mouthpieces of their Corporate owners) is a USEFUL IDIOT.

2. CREDULITY: Anyone who NEEDS to believe MSM propaganda bercause to do otherwise would be a disorienting loss of faith in 'the powers that be" is a USEFUL IDIOT.

3. MORAL AMBIGUITY: Anyone who, for personal reasons willinglly tollerates, accdepts, and promotes a LIE is the target of all manipulative propaganda. These people tend to place a higher value on themselves anfd their "feelings" than the TRUTH. These people are by DEFINITION: USEFUL IDIOTS.


1. IF you fit the above definitions of a "USEFUL IDIOT" you will naturally and  willingly object to ANY dissenting viewpoint whenever it conflicts with your Naivete, your Credulity and your Moral Ambiguity. You lable all such dissent "Conspiracy theory" and trot out silly 'straw men' (the faked Moon landins / the Flat Earthers ) in an attempt to discredit all those who may reasonably disagree with "The Official Naritive"

2. Anyone who suffers from  "userful Idiot syndrome" is effectively innoculated from any meaningful and conflicting debate, discussion, or dissent-- These are the hallmarks of investigations in general. These atre the foundations of a free and just democrativc society.

Such people arte easily manipulated by actual Machievellian, Psychopathic Sadists, and they end up happilly serving a political agenda which is often diametrically opposed to their own best interests.  This makes them both "USEFUL" and "IDIOTS"

3. The Twentieth Century was replete with examples of  USEFUL IDIOTS and their CRUEL and often INHUMANE political masters. The political philosophies of Marxism and Fascism characterized all such EVIL SUPERPOWERS, while of course tribal brutality and injustices did, and still do dominate the thirld world.


( This is how Creepy Joe can be installed in a MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD. )

Conspiracy Theory?

(Why dont DEMOCRATS want the origins of CV19 investigated?)

Conspiracy Theory?

( How exactly did EPSTEIN die in his cell? Heard much from his sidkick-whats her-name still in solitary confinement? BTW, where are the Podestas these days? )

Hmmm.. The list is rather long..

And you are WAAAYYYY too Credulous, Naive, and Morally Ambiguous-- Jeetsheep!


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