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To Crow from below

To Crow from below  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/12/2021 11:21:22 AM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Because he is a lib.

The lib theory of race relations, is that we minorities cannot thrive or even survive, without the help of libz.

The libz think they need to make excuses for minorities, to give minorities handouts, to create uneven playing fields where minorities get preferential treatment.

The libz think this because the libz think minorities are inferior to them.

The libz know what is good, better, best for minorities. 
The libz also know the best hierarchy for minorities.

Women and or negroes are on the bottom rung.

The alphabet people including the trannies are on the next rung up.

Close to the top are the muzzies.

But it is important to note that the muzzies, even though they are on the top rung, are still inferior to the libz of course.

The libz have given us so much help, we are nearly drowning in lib sympathy.

The lib sympathy has created customs, norms, and institutions that have chipped away the self respect, and dignity of those they purport to save.

All they ask for in return is our vote.

Now, with our minority communities in ruins, but still faithfully voting for libz, you can imagine the lib consternation when we voted for Trump and the GOP like never before.

Trump asked minorities, what do you have to lose?

At that point,nothing, because by helping minorities, all the libz are doing is holding minority's heads underwater.

I just wish the libz would stop helping us to death, because they know better that minorities are not smart enough, not resourceful enough, not entrepreneurial enough to survive without them.

And not even all that so much as that when a lib buys a vote, that vote better stay bought.

Please stop helping us libz, you are helping minorities to death.

While you help yourselves to a...


Good job Goodlibs!

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