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Ok, I can give you one

Ok, I can give you one  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 6/15/2021 2:05:36 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

But there is not enough time in the day to point out republica programs that have helped African-Americans. 

listing just a few:

Civil rights - every major civil rights bill passed with a higher percentage of Republican votes, EVERY ONE!

School desegregation - Republicans came up with the solution 

Reducing tax burden - Republicans started the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Equal Opportunity - Nixon executive order forced all to treat blacks and Hispanic fairly

Fair housing Amendment Act and Martin Luther holiday - Reagon did that

Urban renew - Republicans gave us empowerment zones, HUB zones, and Opportunity zones.  Not one improvement zone has come from the democrats.

Welfare reform - republicans have tried to force welfare reform to end the dependency.  The produced Debit/Electronic cards and benefit transfer provisons



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