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I owe you a answer

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 6/23/2021 1:04:59 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The count is basically done, they are to release a report within 10 days.  I feel it is not good for Biden, kind of like a jury with bad news, they will go over and over data before releasing the verdict.  If nothing changed there is no reason to take more than 10 days.

Inside information says "Lots of fraud" in the ballots, that is why other states are looking at doing their own audits.

I have heard the final count came out 2 to 1 Trump, have no idea how true that is, wait for report.

Did you notice that over 100K voters have been removed from the Georgia's voter register.  What, just after the election, they notice voters that moved, died or not legal to vote, over 100k of them.  That really puts the correct count of the election into question.  Do we see a audit coming? 

I do believe a lots of information is going to come out, we will see as more and more audits are done and as the truth comes out.



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