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Msg ID: 2690073 Flipper, New Hampshire is one of the leading states for Jabs... +3/-0     
5/24/2021 12:43:06 PM

You made the top nine states where 70% of residents have gotten their jab. Good Job New Hampshire and the other eight states who are leading the nation in helping to get this pandemic under control, despite Red People like you Flipper who promote irresponsible selfish behavior.

And you Old Dude, well Idaho is somewhere in the "Pathetic" range of 30%-35%. I saw in the news that Bundy is running for Governor, what a f**king joke. 


Nine states have vaccinated at least 70% of adults and 25 states have given shots to half of over-18s as new Covid cases and deaths drop to lowest levels in more than a YEAR

  • Nine U.S. states have administered at least one coronavirus vaccine dose to 70% of their adult population
  • Seven of the states - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont - are in the Northeast and two states, Hawaii and New Mexico, are in the West
  • Twenty five states and Washington, DC, have fully vaccinated at least half of residents above age 18
  • On Sunday, the U.S. recorded 12,853 new coronavirus cases and 190 -related deaths, which are the lowest numbers reported in more than year, since March 24


Msg ID: 2690081 Covid 19 is one of the many ways that the survival of the fittest proceeds. +2/-0     
5/24/2021 1:51:45 PM

Reply to: 2690073

Covid 19 is one of the many ways that the survival of the fittest proceeds. Smallpox is nearly extinct in the wild. Vaccination and cound public health policies did that and vastly reduced other plagues. Covid 19 is no different.

If you want to pretend it won't happen to you, that's okey-dokey. Your life is yours to do with as you please. But in the case of an epidemic, you incur mutual obligations when you participate in an active, social culture. Don't you, Typhoid Mary?

It's interesting that anti-vaxxers and covid deniers present the issue as individual rights and deny the science while pretending to be informed.




Whooping cough





Mumps (ever wonder why your kid looks like me?)

Polio- eliminated in the USA. Infection reproduction number is R6. Covid 19 is an R2 to R3, it should be much more easily controlled even by a less efficient vaccine. The estimate is that 95% to 99% of polio is asymptomatic... so, are you, your family vaccinated? Why is covid 19 not a priority for you and your family? You could have an asymptomatic case (most are) and infect your family and friends, some of which may die and many of which will do as Trump did, require hospitalization?

