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Msg ID: 2691945 Besides Touching Masks, And Generating … +3/-3     
6/8/2021 7:53:04 PM

Touch transmitted contagions, multi use masks tend to concentrate contagion, growth medium, and colony growth.

There are many more scientific reasons masks are not effective as we were told...


Now that the Big Tech companies have permitted us to speak out against the accepted doctrine that COVIDwas spread by bats or other things that crawl and fly in the animal kingdom, do we have enough courage to ask other relevant questions? Considering some new as well as some very old overlooked information, perhaps we should.

So, did the political-medical community bamboozle us into wearing masks?

Time To Take A Deep Breath

After lo these many months, masks have finally been ripped off the faces of Americans. As we take a collective and long-overdue breath, inquiring minds want to know: Was it worth it? Did it really make a difference? If you read Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails, there is reason to wonder.

The New York Post’s Karol Markowicz astutely observed:

“In a Feb. 5, 2020, email to a Team Obama health official, the ­virus guru wrote that masks were for infected people, and that ‘the typical mask you buy in a drug store is not really effective in keeping out the virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.’”

Fauci maintained that stance for a while, including in a nationally broadcast 60 Minutes interview. Then he did an about-face, the media rushed in to do his bidding, and, voilà, millions of people were forced to mask up. Suddenly mask-wearing became accepted solipsism, i.e., an idea known to have the same clarity as the existence of oneself.

Taken at face value (no pun intended), wearing a mask seemed to make sense. However, were we so fearful of the alternative that we ignored some obvious information that doubted the accepted norm? Original 

research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine studied this question. In a randomized controlled trial conducted by DANMASK-19, a Danish study concluded:

“The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use. The data were compatible with lesser degrees of self-protection.”

Their medical research also found “… a recommendation to wear a surgical mask when outside the home among others did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, incident SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with no mask recommendation.”

Sadly, the Danish report simply mirrored what was already known about the efficacy of masks. In a 2009 NIH study, researchers concluded, “Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.” In 2017, yet another bit of medical scholarship was published in Clinical Infectious Diseases. These medical scientists observed, “Self-reported assessment of clinical outcomes was prone to bias. Evidence of a protective effect of masks or respirators against verified respiratory infection (VRI) was not statistically significant.”

We could go on and on, but you get the picture. The advocacy media were better than average at whipping up a COVID frenzy that Americans may have been all too willing to accept. So, when medical and governmental authorities pressed forward with mask mandates – saying, in effect, “jump” – instead of questioning them, we said, “How high?”

Some might counter that it was better to be safe than sorry and that there are no deleterious effects to mask-wearing. But again, that might not be true. 

A 2009 randomized controlled trial published on reported that “… subjects in the mask group were significantly more likely to experience headache during the study period. Subjects living with children were more likely to have high cold severity scores over the course of the study.”

Liberty Nation’s Pennel Bird wrote about a scientific study that “asserts that nanofibers in the masks we are wearing by the billions could put us at serious risk for respiratory inflammation and even cause a cancer known as mesothelioma.”

It may be years or decades before the medical community connects mask-wearing with cancer. Therefore, an informed public plays a crucial role in public health. But how can we make educated decisions when half the information is not made available to us, and the other half is for the express purpose of persuading the public to toe the line?

Former University of Ottawa professor and researcher Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., may have put it best when he wrote:

“By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public, or by expressly condoning the practice, governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the opposite of following the precautionary principle.

“In an absence of knowledge, governments should not make policies that have a hypothetical potential to cause harm. The government has an onus barrier before it instigates a broad social-engineering intervention, or allows corporations to exploit fear-based sentiments.

“Furthermore, individuals should know that there is no known benefit arising from wearing a mask in a viral respiratory illness epidemic, and that scientific studies have shown that any benefit must be residually small, compared to other and determinative factors.

“Otherwise, what is the point of publicly funded science?”

Read more from Leesa K. Donner.


Good job Goodlibs!



Msg ID: 2691974 Liberty Nation News, really? What next "The QAnon Tribune"... +2/-3     
6/9/2021 2:25:23 AM

Reply to: 2691945

That's one opinion, there are many others that contradict it and say that masks are very effective in controlling the spread of germs and contagious diseases in a population. 

You Extreme Righties make such a huge deal about wearing masks, what cry babies! Geez, it's not that big of a deal, I sometimes forget I'm even wearing one. 

Stop and take a deep breath, and then say "It's Not All About Me", over and over...   

Msg ID: 2691996 Sorry to tell you this Jetsheep... +4/-3     
Author:Shooting Shark
6/9/2021 9:53:49 AM

Reply to: 2691974

.. Not to be insensitive, but about your dear departed brother in law,

"victim #645343" of the Democrat Covid Scam.

I was talking with my Uncle recently, a Harvard eye surgeon, and I mentioned your bro-in-law.

Yeah, he confirmed what I suspected

They put the tube down your throat for a Covid ventilator. And they put the patient in an induced coma because it's not possible to be conscious with that thing down your throat. The risks of not recovering from the coma under those conditions are very high.

Informed consent? Doubtful.

Meanwhile there were other medical options categorically denied by DNC propagandists and their profiteering government and corporate minions! 

Welcome to the wonderful world of politicized medicine!.. made far worse by a Democrat propaganda mill that PAID HOSPITALS $45k a pop to support their latest orchestrated crisis! (Did you get any of that Covid blood-money, Jetsheep?) 

I'd guess your Bro in law is in heaven today, and he now knows he's is one of the millions murdered by peasants living under tyrannical Marxist regimes over the last century.  

Crying out from under the Throne of God:

"How long, Soveriegn lord, Holy and True, must these Earthy embodied souls suffer the physical and psychological ravages of their Evil masters and all their deceive, dumbed down, mask wearing,

useful idiots?!"

Then again, maybe not.

Meanwhile the useful idiots living in NY State are today forced to drive across a renamed "Tappen Zee" bridge.

It's called the "Governor Mario Cuomo Bridge" these days, to honor the latest lying gubinatorial incarnation of NYC DNC Mafia-backed Tamany Hall overlords, the guy who put tens of thousands of CV19 patients in old folks homes (with disasterous results).
(He reputedly "grabs em by the pussy " too, but it seems you don't care, as long as his name isnt Trump!)

And despite it all, you'd vote for Cuomo if you lived in that overtaxed, overregulated, "Armpit State"

Wouldnt you?

(You get your "newz" from his brother Jake on CNN, don't you?)

Useful Idiot.



Msg ID: 2691998 A mask was not part of my routine  +4/-3     
Author:Old Guy
6/9/2021 10:02:34 AM

Reply to: 2691974

Jett, is there some little group or club you are a member of that what ever the club says you must adhere to, like a brainless sheep following the heard.

The club says put on mask, so you do.  Follow the science they say, but the science doesn't match up With what you sheep are doing.  I have even seen people driving their car alone with a mask on, as long as you keep your mask on you are still allowed in the sheep heard.

The club said close down the economy.  Follow the science you say, but the science doesn't match up with what you sheep are doing.  The blue states full of sheep are now way behind any non-sheep states economically.  Most non-sheep states are doing awesome, even have turned down the federal employment stimulus money.

If you are in aviation then you should know the filter size is determined by the size of the particles it needs to stop.  COVID-19 particle size is 125 nanometers (0.125 microns).  The N95  mask filters down to .3 microns.  So the N95 blocks few, if any, virus particles.  Tell me again how safe you are with your face covered over with your cheap little paper filter.  You have it on because of your club, not because of the science, good Brainless sheep following the heard.

Jett you must consider that the creator gave you free will and the ability to chose right from wrong.  You should try to use your gift.

useful idiot 

Msg ID: 2692016 The blue states full of sheep are now way behind any non-sheep states econo +3/-3     
6/9/2021 11:20:53 AM

Reply to: 2691998

Pooty Shart made the claim that:

"The blue states full of sheep are now way behind any non-sheep states economically.  Most non-sheep states are doing awesome, even have turned down the federal employment stimulus money."

And perhaps he has evidence of that? In the mean time, I offer this- follow the link and you can graph many other ecomic factors:


In a recent post, I introduced an interactive dashboard that explores the relationship between party control of state government and a variety of well-being metrics at the state level. Of the seven metrics included in the dashboard, states with more years of Democratic control were associated with better outcomes on four of the metrics (Median Household Income*, Uninsured Rate†, Bachelor’s Degree + Rate**, and GDP Per Capita†), while there wasn’t a statistically significant relationship for the other three metrics. However, the dashboard doesn’t show just how much these relationships change over the 20 years the dataset spans (1999-2018).


A Tool for Understanding the Relationship

To explore this dynamic, I introduce a dashboard examining how the relationship between political party control of a state’s government and the following well-being metrics has evolved over the last 20 years:

  • Median Household Income
  • Poverty Rate
  • Uninsured Rate
  • No High School Diploma Rate
  • Post-Secondary Education Rate (Bachelor’s Degree +)
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita
  • Unemployment Rate



The dashboard classifies each state’s government in a given year into one of three categories – Democratic-controlled, Republican-controlled, or split government control. A state is only considered to be under either Democratic or Republican control if that party controls all three primary components of the state’s government – the governorship, the state house, and the state senate – also known as a “trifecta.” If the state has any combination of political party control other than a trifecta, it is placed in the split government category for that year.

The dashboard shows the average performance of all states within each of the party control categories over the last 20 years, with the dropdown on the right toggling between metrics. Note that for some of the metrics, lower numbers are better (e.g. Uninsured Rate), while for other metrics, higher numbers are better (e.g. GDP Per Capita).


What the Dashboard Can Tell Us

The dashboard illustrates the growing divide between “red states” and “blue states” over the last 20 years. While Republican-controlled states have stronger average performance on four of the seven metrics at the beginning of the timeframe, Democratic-controlled states have stronger average performance on six of the seven metrics by the end of the timeframe. The unemployment rate is the only metric in which Republican-controlled states have stronger average performance by the end of the 20-year period.

Three metrics flip from having stronger average performance among Republican-controlled states at the beginning of the timeframe to having stronger average performance among Democratic-controlled states by the end of the timeframe – Poverty Rate, No High School Diploma Rate, and Post-Secondary Education Rate (Bachelor’s Degree +).

For example, in 1999, Republican-controlled states were outperforming Democratic-controlled states on the poverty rate by 1.1 percentage points. However, by 2018, Democratic-controlled states were outperforming Republican-controlled states on average by 2.8 percentage points, a 3.9 percentage point swing.

In addition, there were three other metrics in which the gap between Democratic and Republican-controlled states widened even further over the course of the timeframe – Median Household Income, Uninsured Rate, and GDP Per Capita. For example, in 1999, Democratic-controlled states had higher median household incomes on average by a margin of $1,819. However, by 2018, the gap was up to $12,010, an increase of over $10,000.


Limitations and Future Analysis

To be sure, this dashboard is not intended to imply a causal effect; correlation is not causation. Democratic policies may have driven stronger median household income performance amongst Democratic-controlled states, but it’s also possible that wealthier states started to elect more Democrats. Further, since the states comprising each category can change from year to year, there’s no way to draw any conclusions about a potential causal relationship based on what we see here.

In a future post, I will start to dig into whether any such causal relationships exist. I will analyze how each of these metrics evolves over the course of trifecta control by either party, and compare it to how those metrics evolve in states that aren’t under trifecta control by that party. In other words, I’ll seek to isolate the effect that party control of state government has on these various well-being metrics.


 indicates significance at p < 0.1

* indicates significance at p < 0.5

** indicates significance at p < 0.01


Note: Edited on June 10, 2020 to provide more detail on statistical significance.


You can find the data and code used in this analysis here.


Msg ID: 2691995 Besides Touching Masks, And Generating … +2/-2     
6/9/2021 9:49:16 AM

Reply to: 2691945

Let's examine all the scientific references in the story, and other news organizations that contributed to the story, so that libz can dismiss the story with guilt by association.

You know, McCarthyism, the tactic you libz claim to hate, but the tactic you libz are the world's leading experts at using:

There is a COVID LINK

Fauci's emails 

New York Post

Karol Markowitz

Annals of internal medicine 

NIH study

Clinical Infectious diseases publication

Ottawa Professor and researcher Denis Rancourt Phd

So in order to smear the outlet of the article, libz will have to overlook the source, or sources in the article that represent facts, data, calculations, mathematical conclusions, surveys, studies, and just about everything else libz ostensibly refer to when they say science.

It's a heavy lift to impugn a publisher by spiting the sources, but libz are up to the task, as they use McCarthyism techniques to do a...


Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2692005 Besides Touching Masks, And Generating … +1/-4     
6/9/2021 10:31:15 AM

Reply to: 2691945

"...research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine studied this question. In a randomized controlled trial conducted by DANMASK-19, a Danish study concluded:

Original ResearchMarch 2021


"A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%). The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage point (95% CI, −1.2 to 0.4 percentage point; P = 0.38) (odds ratio, 0.82 [CI, 0.54 to 1.23]; P = 0.33). Multiple imputation accounting for loss to follow-up yielded similar results. Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."


Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial

Joshua L Jacobs 1, Sachiko Ohde 2, Osamu Takahashi 3, Yasuharu Tokuda 3, Fumio Omata 3, Tsuguya Fukui 3

"Conclusion: Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds. A larger study is needed to definitively establish noninferiority of no mask use." 


>Your source cites these studies.

Msg ID: 2692009 Besides Touching Masks, And Generating … +3/-2     
6/9/2021 10:41:29 AM

Reply to: 2692005

Yes, The research indicates the inefficacy of mask usage.

Thank you for noticing, and not smearing, like you usually do.

Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2692013 Besides Touching Masks, And Generating … +2/-3     
6/9/2021 11:13:38 AM

Reply to: 2692009

"Yes, The research indicates the inefficacy of mask usage."

Mask up. Limit social contact. Wash your hands. Vaccinate. No single method is perfect, but each reduces infection and together you get:

From 300,000 new infections daily to 8,885. One of which was your Dear Leader, Trump: hospitalized for 4 days and still flogging the lie that covid 19 is nothing to fear. 1.78% of those infected die. More Americans have died of covid 19 than were killed in our last 3 wars.

United States Coronavirus Cases: 34,243,082 Deaths: 613,081

Msg ID: 2692025 Besides Touching Masks, And Generating … +3/-2     
6/9/2021 11:52:40 AM

Reply to: 2692013

Correlation is not causation.

Again, I listed several reasons, and references to why masks are ineffective. Those reasons and references are valid.

I do not recognize you as an expert on the subject, who cannot be dismissed.

Therefore, I recognize you as someone who can be dismissed, and you are.

Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2692027 Your misinterpretation of your citation also disqualifies you as an 'expert (NT) +1/-3     
6/9/2021 12:02:51 PM

Reply to: 2692025

Msg ID: 2692030 Driveby +4/-1     
6/9/2021 12:18:35 PM

Reply to: 2692027

Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2692033 Brevity is the sole of wit.  +1/-5     
6/9/2021 12:24:03 PM

Reply to: 2692030

David was born with a yellow light on top of his head. At first it was very dim. No one really noticed because he entered the world with twists and twirls of blond hair. His mother kissed his forehead one hundred times in the first minutes of his life. She saw the light, but the buttery glow made sense. She thought he was an angel. | © Janelle Ward

Gareth spat out a mouthful of blood, courtesy of the gauntleted man in front of him. He grinned, mustering the most defiant smile he could. | © Martin Hooijmans

Louise sat, having a cappuccino, working on her laptop. She was just thirty, but there was a certain weight to her. The sort of thing that used to be called gravitas. She was engrossed in her work. Maybe that’s why she didn’t notice Matt until he sat down across from her. | © Les Bohem


Msg ID: 2692044 You Sometimes Have Brevity. You Never … +4/-3     
6/9/2021 12:52:35 PM

Reply to: 2692033

Have wit, even in your brevity.

There is no less brevity than a...


Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2692164 Hey, I padded the post out without reverting to random words or useless cat +1/-3     
6/10/2021 11:52:43 AM

Reply to: 2692044

Hey, I padded the post out without reverting to random words or useless catch phrases like "MAGA" or "Good job, good libs'.
