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Msg ID: 2693990 How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory +3/-1     
6/24/2021 11:04:36 AM

"Critical Race Theory" is an academic study of racism in America. It is not divisive nor does it advance divisive ideas. Systemic racism exists in America. How else would you explain the difference in the average African American family's net worth being 10% of the average white American family's?

How else would you explain the fact that African American males are incarcerated at five time the rate of white American males?

The first step in resolving an issue is recognizing it.

How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory

To Christopher Rufo, a term for a school of legal scholarship looked like the perfect weapon.

June 18, 2021
An illustrated portrait of Christopher Rufo against a blue background
Illustration by Angie Wang

Remote work turned out to be advantageous for people looking to leak information to reporters. Instructions that once might have been given in conversation now often had to be written down and beamed from one home office to another. Holding a large meeting on Zoom often required e-mailing supporting notes and materials—more documents to leak. Before the pandemic, if you thought that an anti-racism seminar at your workplace had gone awry, you had to be both brave and sneaky to record it. At home, it was so much easier. Zoom allowed you to record and take screenshots, and if you were worried that such actions could be traced you could use your cell phone, or your spouse’s cell phone, or your friend’s. Institutions that had previously seemed impenetrable have been pried open: Amazon, the I.R.S., the U.S. Treasury. But some less obviously tectonic leaks have had a more direct political effect, as was the case in July, 2020, when an employee of the city of Seattle documented an anti-bias training session and sent the evidence to a journalist named Christopher F. Rufo, who read it and recognized a political opportunity.

Rufo, thirty-six, was at once an unconventional and a savvy choice for the leaker to select. Raised by Italian immigrants in Sacramento and educated at Georgetown, Rufo had spent his twenties and early thirties working as a documentary filmmaker, largely overseas, making touristic projects such as “Roughing It: Mongolia,” and “Diamond in the Dunes,” about a joint Uyghur-Han baseball team in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. In 2015, Rufo began work on a film for PBS that traced the experience of poverty in three American cities, and in the course of filming Rufo became convinced that poverty was not something that could be alleviated with a policy lever but was deeply embedded in “social, familial, even psychological” dynamics, and his politics became more explicitly conservative. Returning home to Seattle, where his wife worked for Microsoft, Rufo got a small grant from a regional, conservative think tank to report on homelessness, and then ran an unsuccessful campaign for city council, in 2018. His work so outraged Seattle’s homelessness activists that, during his election campaign, someone plastered his photo and home address on utility poles around his neighborhood. When Rufo received the anti-bias documents from the city of Seattle, he knew how to spot political kindling. These days, “I’m a brawler,” Rufo told me cheerfully.

Msg ID: 2693994 Pure Gaslight, lib. If You Want To Battle … +1/-3     
6/24/2021 11:17:18 AM

Reply to: 2693990

Real racism, and not the reverse racism of CRT, go talk to your boy Sheldon...



If the media pursued Democrats as it pursues Republicans, the odious Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island would be hounded from public life. The Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Simsonson follows up on a story that we have found of interest. Imagine this:

Democratic lawmakers and racial justice advocates have kept quiet about Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s membership in a racially exclusionary organization, seemingly satisfied with the Rhode Island Democrat’s explanation that it is nothing more than “a long tradition.”

The Washington Free Beacon asked all 50 Democratic members of the Senate, as well as the Congressional Black Caucus and the NAACP, for comment on the controversy related to Whitehouse’s association with Bailey’s Beach Club. No office, other than Whitehouse’s, responded.

What a great story. Simonson lets us feel the silence: “Black Democrats, Activists Silent on Whitehouse’s White-Only Club Membership.” Subhead: “NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, 49 Democratic senators stay mum.” Read the quote above carefully to ascertain the only Democratic Senator responding to Simonson’s inquiries.


The founders of CRT admit that it is Marxist, and claim that whites are inherently racist because of their skin color.

Trying to wish it away just isn't going to happen, lib.

What you want to explain as systemic racism, is longstanding lib policies that have broken the black community.

Start addressing those dem racism issues, and the statistics you decry will be undone.

Stop helping us, lib, your lib policies are helping us to ruin and death, lib.

We know you think you are doing good, but the only thing you will ACTUALLY accomplish is a...


 Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2693996 I am a conservative Republican- NOT a cult of personality Trumpist and I  +2/-1     
6/24/2021 11:24:55 AM

Reply to: 2693994

I am a conservative Republican- NOT a cult of personality Trumpist and I don't live in Rhode Island, so whats-his-name Sheldon is not 'my boy'.

Interesting you didn't try to argue the examples of systemic racism operating in America. Y'all never do.

The first step in fixing something is identifying the issue- systemic racism exists in America. But that is pragmatic progessive and 'progressive' is a dirty word to you. Except that you want to MAGA- but that requires identifying issues, fixing them and making progress toward you goal- pragmatic progressive.

Msg ID: 2694012 So You’re Not A Pragmatic Progressive ? +1/-2     
6/24/2021 1:15:24 PM

Reply to: 2693996

Yeah right.

Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2694014 You are NO conservative republican +1/-2     
Author:Old Guy
6/24/2021 1:19:10 PM

Reply to: 2693996

Just your support of Biden reversing executive orders of Trump proves you are NO conservative republican. 

Your support of the very first exe order Biden signed proves you are not a conservative.  A conservative knows that wages should be driven by supply and demand.  Not some backways idea like let's pay them more so they vote for me!  There is NO economic reason that a federal employee should make more than the private sector, none!  And a conservative would understand that, you don't!

Next, you believe in systemic racism, that alone proves you are from the left.  The left is racist to the core, all the racist programs have come for the left, it is in your DNA.  Ig you believe in systemic racism itis because you have a history in democratic policies, you are the one racist!  The country on a whole is not.

Msg ID: 2694058 I'll say it again- Trump was not 'conservative' in any way. He is a disrupt +3/-1     
6/24/2021 6:08:03 PM

Reply to: 2694014

I'll say it again- Trump was not 'conservative' in any way. He is a disruptor, which is why you elected him.

He is also not a Republican.

Msg ID: 2694061 An Assertion Is Not A Fact, lib. Trump, By … +1/-3     
6/24/2021 6:45:42 PM

Reply to: 2694058

His accomplishments is far more conservative than Biden or owebuma, but that isn't a stretch.

You support owebuma, and Biden policies, you are a lib.

An extremist far left alt left lib, lib.

Good job Goodlibs!

Msg ID: 2694065 An Assertion Is Not A Fact, lib. Trump, By … +3/-1     
6/24/2021 7:44:07 PM

Reply to: 2694061

"His accomplishments is far more conservative than Biden or owebuma, but that isn't a stretch.

"You support owebuma, and Biden policies, you are a lib."

Kind of a low bar, ain't it? Being "far more conservative than Biden or owebuma"?  In that they had political principles and did not promise or present themselves as conservatives, those are the examples that you measure Trump's conservatism by?

Biden presents as a practical centrist, with as much liberal thrown in as he can get away with.

Obama was more ambitious and liberal than Joe.

Trump did accomplish some conservative things- his judges were largely conservative, but Kavanaugh is and was a very poor choice, at least so far. He's extremely intelligent, so maybe he'll mature into a real conservative of note.

I approve of his tax revisions for businesses. Not so much for individuals, but I'll take good with the bad.

His international 'diplomacy' was the same as his domestic policy- abuse and insult. And suck up to autocrats. Is Erdogan trending more towards America strategically? Nope.  Wait- I will give Trump props for a serious effort with Kim Jong Dum, er- Kim Jong Un. Poor follow up or perhaps no real plan?

