Msg ID:
2703741 |
"I prefer to get my medical advice from pundits and polticians" +3/-0
9/15/2021 4:18:46 PM
Because they have no political bias as scientists do....
Are Trumpists covered by their faith in The Donald, a religious objection?
Msg ID:
2703860 |
"I prefer to get my medical advice from pundits and polticians" +0/-2
Author:Shooting Shark
9/16/2021 9:36:59 AM
Reply to: 2703741
Funny, except it's politicians like Creepy Joe and Governor Cuomo you tools quote and follow lock-step
Politicisns and Pundits
bought and paid for by Big Pharma
The mind-Control exerted on you tools
qualifies you as a cult
But as always you spin it exactly opposite
snd do what you accuse of others
whivh is why I call you
Lib Lab Ratz
Useful Idiots!!!