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Msg ID: 2708088 Obama was horrible  +1/-3     
Author:Old Guy
10/19/2021 3:52:19 PM>

Msg ID: 2708090 "Obama was horrible" Suppose I agreed with you, that Obama was a 10 out of  +2/-0     
10/19/2021 4:21:27 PM

Reply to: 2708088

"Obama was horrible"

Suppose I agreed with you, that Obama was a 10 out of 10 for bad. Does that make Trump any better? Does that move The Donald up the lis of bad presidents- he's the worst or second from the worst in historians' ratings.

Nope. Trump was almost, repeat- ALMOST useless as a president. Whether Obama was good bad or whatever, Trump was worse.

Four separate thread headed "Obama was horrible" and not an intelligent comment in a single one.

How about this as a reference- Obama was reelected. Trump was not, the rare incumbent who failed to be reelected. His share of the popular vote barely moved from 2016's 46.1%, an election he won with an electoral college vote, to 2020's 46.9% and a reversal of the 2016 electoral college.

"Obama was horrible"? Maybe so, but America and Americans declined to reelect him, Biden took a popular majority of 51.3%. That's the highest share since Obama's first election and before that, the Bush 41's election.

So, you end up with Trump, disgraced and impeached twice, potentially facing election fraud conspiracy in Georgia and other states? And you're hitching your political wagon to that? The Republican Party has no conservative alternatives? It's very sad that that's what you believe because that's what the serial liar, cheat and thief has convinced you of. Entirely self promotion to return to power and emplace an autocratic regime.

Msg ID: 2708098 Obama was horrible  +2/-3     
Author:Old Guy
10/19/2021 4:54:21 PM

Reply to: 2708090

Trump was a very active president, did pretty much what he said he was going to do, he did.  Did not make any big lie that had an effect on the citizens, worked consistently in the behalf of the country.  Here is a list of some things he did!</p>

your rant about Trump not getting re-elected, is way off.

He is extremely popular, received more votes on his secound try than any other president.  Still packs the house.  Did he really lose the election?  Last poll taken the majority of people think the election was stolen.  Just think about that for a minute, after one year of endless news that Biden really won, more people today think Biden didn't win.

I am not the biggest Trump fan, but he is miles ahead of anything from the left.  You call him a liar, cheat, and thief, none of which is true!  Name the big lie he told, How did he cheat, when did he steal?  Go ahead and tell me, you know it is all bull shit.  Majority don't think he is a liar, just wackos from the left.  He has had NO charges for any illegal activity, even after being the most investigated person in the world. NO CHARGES!

But you must support things like, defund the police, opened boarders, an other stupid left wing ideas.

useful idiot 

useful idiot 

Msg ID: 2708175 Obama was horrible  +2/-1     
10/20/2021 9:07:03 AM

Reply to: 2708088

Ya Brietfart. Okay Old guy

Washington examiner next?

Wasn't Brietbart founded by Steve Bannon who was convited of defrauding people over the border wall contrubtions? Pardoned by his pal Trump?

Nice try


Msg ID: 2708199 Does not make his article incorrect! (NT) +1/-2     
Author:Old Guy
10/20/2021 10:51:19 AM

Reply to: 2708175

Msg ID: 2708201 Obama was horrible  +1/-2     
Author:Old Guy
10/20/2021 11:08:23 AM

Reply to: 2708175

How about this one then?

Msg ID: 2708205 Your point? Sharing an opinion piece? (NT) +2/-1     
10/20/2021 11:21:01 AM

Reply to: 2708201
