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Msg ID: 2712106 The Lib silly season +2/-3     
Author:Shooting Shark
11/30/2021 8:32:52 AM

The 'Omnicron' variant, Libs?
You tools are aptly characterized

the Democrat Donkey chasing a carrot on a stick and a string.


No, you can't "mandate" anything Libz! 

((Mask wearing is the Maga Hat of the moronic Left. ))

(Do you wear yours when you sleep, Jetsheep?)


I once made the mistake of wishing an atheist friend "Merry Christmas"

He was offended that, since I knew his cosmological position he assumed, 

I must have been trying to reinforce a cultural/ religious hegemony called "Christmas"


(Does Atheism make you stupid, or is it the other way around?) 


it was as if I had suggested he needed to wear a colander on his head,

and pray for the intervention of the "Flying Spagetti Monster" to create world peace

and end 'climate change' dontchaknow! 

"May you be touched by His noodley appendage! RA-MEN!"

You silly Libs remind me of that scenario every time you say 

"Stay Safe"


I AM SAFE you tools! 

I wear a helmet and boots and leathers when I ride my motorcycle in heavy traffic

I always file a legal destination alternate when the weather is bad.

I drive less than 90 mph on Vermont highways

(VT Stste troopers are Libs who don't care how fast you drive unless it's at least 3 digits)!

I only have one sexual partner so I ain't afraid of contracting any lib sex diseases. 

I quit smoking (Marlboros)

Cigars at better. 

I Always vote republican, unless it's Mitt Romney

(or whomever Crowbot thinks is a "Conservative Republican")

ps ..,"Fuck you, Mike Pence!"


Like 95% of America,  I completely distrust Lib MSM

so I have no personal risk of being mind-controlled or brainwashed,


I find liberal insanity humorous, 

(which is better than climbing a watchrower somewhere, I guess.)

Unlike that guy, I don't have a brain tumor

And unlike Libz,

I have a drug-free fully-functioning brain.

in otherwords

Im Safe! 


So fuck Ypu and your silly designer vaccines and cultivated political mind-viruses libz!

its the flu ..

Clorox wont help.

((( But  _IVERMECTIN_  will! )))

Useful Idiots!!



Msg ID: 2712109 You're talking to mindless sheep shark +1/-2     
Author:observer II
11/30/2021 8:46:09 AM

Reply to: 2712106

They are fully invested in the covid shot/booster.

Crow just reinforced his position on that. He can't get to the clinic fast enough to get stuck again.

He will stand in line every 6 months for that worthless liquid poison. Probably hold jettsheep's hand on the way because jettsheep seems scared of..................everything.

I once thought the J&J was a possible choice for me to get so I could keep my job. And I tried like hell to find articles that would convince me to get it. But there are far too many negatives and no real positives (just unfounded claims) out there to convince me to get it.

These libs still think it protects them from getting it. And maybe it does for a few months. But it certainly isn't worth risking your health for a few months.

They claim it reduces symptoms. I had it with no symptoms. So explain to me how my symptoms would have been reduced???

Everyone is different. Everyone reacts differently.

My sister just passed away less tha ntwo months ago and it's listed as a covid death. She was 50. She was hospitalized for a week. They talked about a ventilator, but they gave her the covid coctail which consisted of remdezaveer (?). The liberal death potion.

This mandate is unconstitutional. Biden knew that 9 months ago but somehow forgot the constitution even existed.

I will lose my job in a month because of this administration.

You can't get people to work anymore because of this hair sniffing fool. And now you want to fire people that DO want to work. Genius

Sorry that I got off track here but it's infuriating

Msg ID: 2712110 You're talking to mindless sheep shark +1/-2     
Author:Shooting Shark
11/30/2021 8:56:49 AM

Reply to: 2712109

Sir OIi

if you need to get a shot to keep a govt contracting job.... Quit! There is plenty of work

out here for part 135 civilian pilots 

rich people wont ride on airliners, dontchaknow. 

Masks are for the mindless-spineless

middle-class liberal masses.

They signal support for Creepy Joe inflating the poor into abject poverty 

Poverty--like in third world countries 

but then,

they actually voted for it!

Useful Idiots!!


Msg ID: 2712111 You're talking to mindless sheep shark +0/-2     
Author:observer II
11/30/2021 9:20:39 AM

Reply to: 2712110

Thanks shark

I'm thinking early retirement. I'm in good shape.

Fortuneatly I started saving/investing when I was 23. I never once thought of playing the government welfare game like mst libs do. And I got plenty of outside hobbies and activities to keep me busy.

I figured I'd suck on the government teet for awhile and collect unemployment. Something I've never done. Don't want to but they are the ones forcing me out, so F em.

I've been planning this for awhile. Way too young to retire but you gotta play the hand you're dealt.

Msg ID: 2712127 You're talking to mindless sheep shark +1/-2     
Author:Shooting Shark
11/30/2021 10:36:10 AM

Reply to: 2712111


Jetsheep sez you and I spent our whole lives "on the govt teat" -- he says this as a flaming lib Democrat voting Useful idiot, no less! 

Im working my ass off here flying rich people where they wanna go, which is fun and they appreciate it at least. It's also good to see the rich people spending their millions before Creepy Joe and Jetsheep tax and inflate it away.away. math is hard if you're a useful idiot.

oh yeah, here a video you might appreciate. our morons here won't watch it of course ( Rumble-- conspiracy! They reflexively say without even watching.) 

The piece about Fauci and that crap they gave your aunt (RiP) will be of interest I'm sure.

As for the useful idiots snd the "Obamacron" variant hope they get their poison soon. Billy Gates wants to decrease the surplus population through a filter for Intelligence. Those not smart enough to see what's going on who will willingly get the latest experimental round of "gene therapy" for the flu are too stupid to breed. Think Eugenics in the US, circa 1920-30s. 
too many 

useful idiots! 
