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Msg ID: 2732967 Saving The Buddha ( Part 2)  +3/-2     
Author:Shooting Shark
6/19/2022 2:40:39 PM

Nurse Crachet: He's asleep. We had to up the dosage (40 MG Thorazine. 3 Mg Ativan.)

Shark: Yes, he started to come to-- good thing we moved him to this half-way house! He was really freaking out. Its the same place Creepy Joe's daughter ( Ashley Biden) stayed, during her last rehab, I'm told.. 

Dr Cameron: Yes, its one of our safe houses. Unfortunately they let someone find Ashleys diary. Shes a very disturbed young woman, like her brother Hunter,-- drug abuse, alcohol, sex addictions and weird paraphillias. This pattern is very common among illuminati familes who were, to some degree involved with TBMC (Trauma Based Mind Control) experiments and programming.

Shark: I read that article. According to Ashleys diary she used to "Shower with Daddy... CREEPY!.. We all know Creepy  Joe's penchant for,  putting it delicately, "crossing boundaries with kids", but this is really gross...his own daughter!   

Dr Cameron: They sexualize their children at an early age. Such victims naturally suppress their victimization, but it always manifests later in life without adult psychological intervention.

Shark: Dr Cameron, I've been reading  that thesis you gave me written by Fritz Springmeyer. Weird stuff. And you must know, today Springmeyer (age 66) is a convicted bank robber! Dont you think we should discount these conspiracy theories of his?  Disney programming children?   As you know, Springmeyer was released from federal prision in March of 2011. He remains active today as a conspiracy writer.. He's no friend of Creepy Joes, to be sure!

Dr Cameron. Well, eve a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut occasionally. The "Nut" in this case, may be an element of truth. That said, that truth can easily be suppressed if the source is easily discredited. Its stock-and-trade in the creation of disinformation to allow direputable people to publically speak the truth.

Look at Alex Jones.. He's allowed to say what other more credible and informed people are not allowed to say.. Thats because he comes across in popular perception as a " right wing fanatic".. That doesnt mean, however,  what he says isn't true to some degree. Thats exactly why he's ALLOWED to say it. its a form of mass psychological innoculation, a way the media-based mind-control in this country effectively promotes a false counter- narrative.

Shark: Yeah, I know.  And the common Libs ( useful idiots) are not sophisticated enough in their thinking to see through this ploy. They believe everything thier "authorities " tell them. But the truth always wins out eventually.. it always leaves a trail behind to be foillowed.

Speaking of Truth Dr Cameron, I've done some investigation concerning your own background. Wikipedia sas you were born in Scotland in 1901. That would make you 121 years old today!  You supposedly died of a heart attack back in 1967, only a few years after working on the MK Ultra project as a contract Psychiatrist in Montreal.

Dr Cameron: Yes, rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.

Shark: Still, your "repatterning experiments" occured at the Alan Institute during the early 1960s. How coiuld you have survived until today, to the age of 121?.. You look like a 85 year old!

Dr Cameron: Thats a different "project" the detaiols of which I'm not at liberty to discuss. Lets just say, "life extension" is no longer a science fiction concept.

Shark: These experments yiou did in Montreal were quite evil .. Nazi-like in fact! How could you ethically wipe-out a persons mind-- destroy their entire memory without their knowledge and consent? You lectured extensively about Nazi unethical medical experiments during the 1950s, but you seem to have become caught up in them  yourself. How did that happen?

Dr Cameron: You need to put the whole thing in context, my boy. The real world of politics and power is grey, ethically speaking. You'll rest quietly in your bed tonight because rough armed men are willing to violence on your behalf, to protect you from much greater evils... evils you may never realize exist!
Back in the 1950s- 1970s the CIA was engaged in protecting America from much greater evils--the advance of Soviet and Chinese Communism. These people truely believed their mind-control experiments to be a righteous cause,  in the larger scheme of things.

The Chinese in particular were involved in "Brainwashing" techniques. This alarmed the intelligence services when American POWS during the Kiorean war appeared to have been brainwashed using Chinese methods . The Movie _The Manchurian Candidate_ popularized an actual perceived threat.  The CIA needed to be able to meet that threat, and possibly use it themselves against Americas enemies.              

Shark: So how did you become involved, Doctor? And how do you justify your actions today?

Dr Cameron: Well Shark, you've lived long enough to realize "hindsight is 20/20." My patients were suffering from mild to disabling mentall illness. These were resistent to conventional therapies.  No one had ever wiped out the hiuman mind and started over as it were, unil I tried it.

It worked-- and some might agree the outcome was to the betterment of the patients we treated, theaputically speaking. This is and individual value judgment of course,, and as you know, many of my patients later successfully sued the CIA and Government of Montreal for what they calimed were "damages." The CIA simply wanted to look over my shoulder as it were, to see what success I might have, and so they funded it.

Shark: Yes, it was quite a cover up. Montreal based CIA station chiefs, later in retirement weren't compelled to testify or be deposed in the fiollowing Civil lawsuts. " National Security" covers alot of bad stuff, apparently!

Dr Cameron: Of course. And my "death" in 1967 kept me out of the spotlight. I immigrated to America. I've lived a "cover story" since then (except for those 'read on" to the TDS program today, like Nurse Crachet, who knows of my true identity and past mind- control  research.

As you can see, I'm alive and well at 121. And now you will need to sign a Non Disclosure statement Shark..,  

Shark: Amazing. Yes, I'll sign it!


