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Msg ID: 2736177 Midterms getting closer.........covid rising. Gee, what a surprise +3/-1     
Author:observer II
7/19/2022 7:48:25 AM

Ah, I remember the good ole days when these looney libs were spewing their poisonous venom about how the covid shot will solve all the issues. How they destroyed families, careers, and futures for millions of people. Many resulting in suicides. And all from an unconstitutional mandate.

The shot will prevent you from contracting the virus...........ooooops, that was a lie.

The shot will prevent you from spreading the virus...........ooooops, that was a lie.

The shot will prevent you from going to the hospital...........ooooops, that was a lie.

The shot will prevent you from dying...........ooooops, that was a lie.

And not one retraction, or apology for misleading the American people.

And it got an idiot appointed to the white house.

Well, now we have the most important election coming up to get these liberal loons out of office for good and take back congress, and the senate. No more tax wasting investigations based on opinionated hatred.

Covid is on the rise again. How can that be. Do you remember when the liberal loonies told us all that heat killed the virus. I mean global warming alone should protect us all from a painful death :)

And yet it's 100 freakin degrees outside and the covid is attacking it's victims in a relentless way. Me thinks me hears those crazy crickets again, lol.

Covid won't help you boys this time. Vote if you cn find the time libs. You seem to have plenty of time to go to Walmart in your pajamas. Try voting this time:) And let the best man win
