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Msg ID: 2739421 If you weren’t concerned about Trump, read this lil tidbit +5/-3     
8/17/2022 4:09:38 PM

Senior intelligence officials realized early on that President Donald Trump wasn’t going to read even short written summaries of his regular intelligence briefings. So the CIA officers who prepared the briefings made sure they came to the Oval Office laden with striking images, pared-down charts and slick graphics designed to grab the president’s fleeting interest, several officials familiar with the briefings told NBC News.

“To secure his attention, you had to use images and catchy headlines, even better if they had his name in them,” said Doug London, a former CIA officer who helped assemble the briefing material.

Msg ID: 2739425 All this is helping Trump. Another liberal backfire +4/-3     
Author:observer II
8/17/2022 5:19:55 PM

Reply to: 2739421

Why don't all the dems just call Americans deplorables..............................again!!!!!


Msg ID: 2739444 The Extreme Right like you, absolutely are Deplorables...  +4/-1     
8/17/2022 6:55:00 PM

Reply to: 2739425

How's that?

Msg ID: 2739620 I'm not one of the Deplorables jettsheep. I believe in our constitution and +2/-2     
Author:observer II
8/19/2022 8:15:30 AM

Reply to: 2739444

our laws.

You liberals have made it a point to enforce only the laws you believe in at any given moment.

Budha has said it before, you can't pick and choose which laws you wish to obey.

So explain to me how you have judges and DA's that have publically stated they will not enforce certain laws.

Please explain that statement to all of us here.

And that is a fact jettsheep. Just look at the historic increase in homocides. Heck, just look at the data of crimes in general.

Example, who was the brilliant genius who decided that you could go into a store and steal $600 worth of merchndise without reprecussions.

Those are the type of liberal policies you endorse. You endorse them because you never condemn them or even disagree with them when they are brought to light.

So please explain this to all of us. And then tell me I'm the deplorable one here.

Msg ID: 2739457 If you weren’t concerned about Trump, read this lil tidbit +5/-4     
Author:Shooting Shark
8/17/2022 8:03:46 PM

Reply to: 2739421


They lie when the truth makes a better story! 

A rogue agency with a Chequered past

Made more "chequered" in recent years

 by recent revelations about the Hunter Biden coverup/ disinformation  

endorsed as "Russian disinformation" by 100 security officers 

turns out it is just another part of the "Creepy Joe protection racket"

( FBI too. )

Sad, it is. ...When vital national organizations can't be trusted

but then,  the CIA/ FBI Chief has always been a "political appointee"

Like that like fool ( House intelligence committee) Adam Schiff

-- disinformation isn't always "Russian" it seems. 


These people can't be trusted,

they've proven they are just a political mafia.

they don't serve the people of this counutty! 

You silly Libz would quote the devil himself

if his "infernal majesty" would appear to "discredit Trump"

Good luck fighting an IDEA Libz! ( not the man, Trump) 

An idea called "democracy" 

Useful idiots!!!


