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Msg ID: 2739861 And another failure to spread the CRT disease +3/-3     
Author:observer II
8/22/2022 8:00:32 AM

Florida rejects the 22-23 math books that were sent to them by, I don't know who printed them.

CRT was added into the curriculum. I want to know how you inject CRT into a math book.

The manufacturer knew it was wrong to do it. That's why they tried to pass it through without disclosing the content. Very sneaky you libs are.

But caught once again

CRT only creates racists (like jettsheep) in our children. And why would anyone knowingly do that?

CRT is not history. It's a fabricated theory the libs came up with to once again punish the white person for being white.

Does anyone know anybody that has actually apologized for being born white? I certainly hope not.

What happened 150 years ago has nothing to do with today. Other than we all learned from our mistakes. So no matter how hard you try to compare what happened then to today is just ignorance.

And reparations is the biggest joke of the century. Money will fix it.....fix what? Or maybe that's all part of obozo's fair share principle.

Reap what you sow. Everyone has that opportunity...........everyone
