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Msg ID: 2744978 Putin expands Russias borders into Ukraine  +5/-5     
Author:Shooting Shark
10/1/2022 12:56:42 PM

While Kazinski wants NATO membership.

Will Creepy Joe start WWIII by supporting Ukrainian NATO membership?

Will the Military Industrial Complex make trillions as NATO enters the fray?

Will Putins 300,000 military "conscripts" be issued uniforms before they are sent to the front? 

Will  the Newz media stop the present media blackout about a hurricane in Florida?


(Did Blue Oyster Cults epic lead guitar player, singer, and composer ( Donald Roeser- aka "Buck Dharma") 

lose his home in Ft Myers to the flood?)

but I digress-- 


Will Putin preemptively use tactical Nukes to call Creepy Joes proxy war bluff?

Will Republicans sweep the House and Senate before WWIII starts? (November) 

Will Crowbot and The Buddha bend over and kiss Trumps ass?

Inquiring minds wanna know.

This country has waaay too many --

Useful Idiots!! 

