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Msg ID: 2755660 Warnock set to win against Walker +4/-0     
12/6/2022 9:26:08 AM

I don't think the Republicans could have chosen a worse candidate - The man has paid for multiple abortions, has assaulted his wife, among other things. The ticket split where people voted for Kemp but not for Walker...goes to show some people were not simply going to vote the party - Bravo

Msg ID: 2755679 Warnock set to win against Walker +4/-1     
12/6/2022 3:35:04 PM

Reply to: 2755660

I've lived in Georgia almost all the last 62 years and once again, I am embarrassed by a Georgia poliotical figure.

Considering Herschel Walker as a serious candidate for the US Senate is almost as embarrassing as having as having J B SToner campaigning for governor of Georgia in 1970. Walker may be intelligent and perhaps even honest, but he's politically inexperienced. But he doesn't 'have the chops' to be one of the most important and powerful men in America. America doesn't need any more Trumpists or Trump endorsed candidates. Or Trump puppets, which I think Herschel would be, at least initially.

We survived Trump, less a million+ dead of the Trump Flu. The economy is recovering, normalcy is returning to the Republican Party. Trump's corruption, criminality is being seriously investigated now that he no longer has presidential immunity. The more America learns of Trump the less attractive he is politically. 

Not a Warnock fan, but this election presents as 2016 all over again. Compared to Trump, Biden presented competence and an element of normalcy. Warnock or Walker? Warnock, even if he is, as Biden was, a Democrat. An "R" on the ballot after your name doesn't make you a better candidate, even if you have 800 people working for you- and Herschel does not have that.


Msg ID: 2755781 That was inspiring +3/-2     
Author:Citizens for sanity
12/7/2022 5:37:16 PM

Reply to: 2755679

And yet not a single positive trait for the candidate you voted for.

Warnock has as much experience as Walker. He was about as effective as obama was. But at least Warnock voted. Obama voted present. Great job fellas

I could stomach Warnock unyil he used religion as his crutch. He's about as religious as an abortion clinic.

I watched the debate and neither candidate was impressive. However, Warnock failed to answer any of the questions.

I really thought Warnock would be well spoken and prepared. He was neither.

My opinion is neither candidate is qualified but let's face it, politicians are the most corrupt people on earth. They far exceed a lawyer, and that's saying something.

Warncok is a liar and continues to lie. Walker has made mistakes but has owned up to them. Walker has integrity whre Warnock has no idea what the word means.

I just hope the election was fair and tampering is not found. But one thing is certain here, you won't see me crying because my guy lost, lol

Msg ID: 2756302 That was inspiring +3/-1     
12/14/2022 4:18:30 PM

Reply to: 2755781

"And yet not a single positive trait for the candidate you voted for."

In the two party system of American democracy one often votes against a candidate rather than for one.


Warnock has as much experience as Walker. He was about as effective as obama was. But at least Warnock voted. Obama voted present. Great job fellas

Explain why, beyond Trump's endorsement of the (R) after Walker's name, he is the better candidate?


I could stomach Warnock unyil he used religion as his crutch. He's about as religious as an abortion clinic.

I am very, very cynical when people profess being 'born again', as Walker has. It's very similar to continuously proclaiming one's virtue and innocence. I wonder why one would think that necessary beyond living a virtuous Christian life.

Abortion is pretty new as a political issue, becoming a fulcrum to sway American voters in the mid- to late 20th century. Yes, laws were passed denying abortion in states, largely swayed by Christian fundamentalists politicians. Thus, it is a religious issue, which brings Constitutional considerations to the fore. So, I'll ask, again- when is another person involved in a woman's pregnancy? You won't find reliable scientific or philosophical basis for your position outside your religious sect...


Religion, other than Roman Catholicism, isn't an accurate indicator of the faith's position on abortion:

"A 2022 Pew survey found that about 66 percent of Black Protestants and 60 percent of white Protestants who are not evangelical believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Additionally, 56 percent of Catholics say they think abortion should be legal in all or most cases."

As far as I can tell, Judaism and Islam are as mixed on the question as Americans are.


P.S. Are you a 'man of the cloth'? Five generations of my paternal male ancestors were pastors of churches, often multiple churches on a circuit. I've lived in the pastorate houses, I know the life. I don't see much in Warnock besides his political activism than differs from other protestant preachers I know.

Msg ID: 2756549 And once again you have derailed (NT) +1/-2     
Author:Citizens for sanity
12/18/2022 9:09:44 AM

Reply to: 2756302
