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"Let's see you deny these facts..." period.

"Let's see you deny these facts..." period.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 12/3/2021 11:35:24 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'm gonna post some graphs from's covid live update.

The most striking is that America quickly leaps into the fore as having the most cases, starting naturally under Trump. You have to take the initial data with a grain of salt, especially the PRC data comparisons and some others. But from "We have it totally under control. It's 1 (or 15) cases" to 8800 daily deaths in a couple months is striking as the epidemic establishes a base of contagion: that should not have been allowed to happen in a country with our healthcare assets and science! 

Trump did initiate a valid but limited public health response and the numbers level out until the usual winter expansion that is typical of all diseases.

First, America has maintained world's highest case numbers:

I think the reason is indicated in this graph- daily new cases- see the jump as Trump diddled before leveling out and then spiking in the winter? That's the base infection/contagion source that we're still fighting to control.

Same issue indicated here, more cases mean more deaths


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Let's see you deny these facts libs. Covid deaths +1/-3 observer II 12/3/2021 7:10:34 AM