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I would say old guy just schooled you mod

I would say old guy just schooled you mod  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/15/2021 11:48:56 AM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


You obviously are either not comprehending what I'm saying or you are not reading my posts.

I have stated that talking about molesting is not allowed for either Biden Or Trump. PERIOD

What part of that is partisan? 

We could go on and on about all of Trump's encounters, but I asked that both Trump's and Biden's "Molesting" narrative not be on this forum anymore. 

Please explain to me how that is not equitable?

And please, stop making every post about your ego. "He schooled you" - that's what a little boy with no upper functioning intelligence would say in an attempt to "wound" the other person. It only makes you look like an underdeveloped kid who lacks the upper functioning of the brain to express himself. Sorry, but I'm telling you how you come off. You're not hurting me...You're revealing to everybody who and what you are.

Now, go get your covid vaccine 

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New Policy +4/-0 bladeslap 12/14/2021 4:59:35 PM