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And you would be right- Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For

And you would be right- Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/3/2021 1:22:51 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

My last paragraph, to refresh pucknutz argument:

"There's two ways to look at those facts- the quality of life made possible in America by employing and purchasinf products made by low cost foreign workers; and the improvement in the quality of life for those workers by selling to Americans. And the knowledge that a population gainfully employed in mutually profitable commercial exchange aren't likely to start wars."

lalla O-MUJI-DUMMIEZOMBIE replies and my responses:

"Your last paragraph loosely explained some of owebuma's and Hitlery's electoral success."



"Not Trump's. You are just another lib with a penchant for misdirection, and outright deceit."

Trump lost 3 million American jobs and killed a half-million Americans with his delayed response (generous enough for you?) to the novel coronavirus. That epidemic ended the longest economic expanison in American history.



"You don't know where Americans best days lie. By and large productivity drives manufacturing, not labor."




"In fact, technology tends to obsolete labor."

As if proof was needed of your Luddite, reactionary economic philosophy. I'm glad wooden shoes are no longer in fashion.



"You should know that, or probably do, but that never stops your propaganda train."

No, I know nothing of the sort. The industrial revolution and resultant massive improvement in the human quatlity of life...



Instictively any well informed American would know that what you preach has no more value than a...


Good job Goodlibs!  

Instinct is not a reational reaction in all cases. In your proposition, it is nothing but a prejudice against science and knowledge. 


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