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Trump Derangement syndrome asylum

Trump Derangement syndrome asylum  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/15/2022 9:30:11 AM  +2/-4  

Checking in see if your meds and electroshock therapy is working, Buddha.

( Apparently not) 

while you weee sleeping: 

115 MAGA congressional  candadates who received Trumps support defeated their opponents in theit respective primaries.

that included woman in Texas who Elon Musk voted for, who unseated her Democrat incumbent.

Musk tweeted; "first time I've ever voted Republica, red wave coming in November"

Yeah. No kidding..

Meanwhle the leader of the free world is clearly off his meds

"we're changing peoples lives!" He says,

Gas prices hitting new record highs every day for the last month.

Creepy Joe says : "people have 20% more money in savings on my watch!"

( Jetsheep, whatever Creepy Joe is smokin makes the skunk weed you can afford seem pretty weak!)

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!" -- Barack Hussein Obama.

The DNC had mules stacking ballot boxes

inner city criminal actors 

who sold this country down the River for "30 pieces of silver" --

Today those fools can't buy groceries, but are too stupid to understand.

They rigged this election. They installed this "Manchuria Candidate"

-China Joe- 

But some people actually voted for him.. they were deceived by the lying press

the fake news, censorship, suppression, intimidation, manufactured narritive.

But now, they can't afford groceries rent and gas...

Reality. You can't spin it.

But Creepy Joe still tried to convince em

""We're changing people lives!"

Buddha, you and Jetsheep may be the last two remaining,

 Biden voting,

TDS suffering 

Useful idiots! 


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Trump Derangement syndrome asylum +2/-4 Shooting Shark 6/15/2022 9:30:11 AM