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Saving the Buddha ( Part 3) Monarch

Saving the Buddha ( Part 3) Monarch  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/19/2022 4:54:42 PM  +2/-3  

Dr. Cameron:

Ok, now that your "read on,"  I'll fill you in on what this is all about, Shark.

Shark: You arent suggesting we wipe out the Buddha's the mind, are you?!

He's a commercial pilot, and even though hes a flaming stage 4 TDS sufferer, if you were to "repattern" him he's become a vegetable -- much less be able to fly for a living!.

The Buddha has a lot of redeeming qualities, ya know. He runs the website where me and my fellow sea creatures from Atlantis exist! As Governor of Atlantis, I wont allow you to destroy is mind and our habitat!.. Even though he's a lib, he's still someone I do personally care about.

Dr Cameron: No, I'm not suggesting we subject him to 65 days of drug induced unconciousness,  electoshock voltages mat 7500 times normal strength, hundreds of electro shocks over months of inbduced coma  to entirely wipe out his memories, followed by "psychic driving"..

Shark: Yes, psychic driving-- that's repetitive messages played over and over again. Sorta sounds like CNN!

Dr Camerpon: Yes, Mind-control technology has come a long way since 1964. Stage 1 and 2 TDS sufferers have been shown to have developed the milkdest form of this disorder from being exposed to 6 years years of constant "Psychic driving" from mass media. Trump was blamed for for everytrhing from chronic diarea to Covid.

Such repetition has a normal recognized effect on normal people, especially when such peopolke are isolated and and the propaganda is repeated relentlessly.

Stage 3 TDS is now understood to be associated with peoplew who possess personal special interests. As we both know, the radical left has spent decades fostering allegiances with political groups that support a single cause.

Gay Rights and  Abortion activism have very deep social roots, victimization of various sorts ranging from Labor activisim to Race Relations, womens rights and illegal immigration  play directly into the minds of those who may in fact be marginalized by the larger society. 

These people are usually very receptive to the DNC con-man's appeal, given that they were taught their social status relied on on identrification weith the Democratic Party. The DNC's  trick was to harness these groups to their political agenda, through relentless  "psychic driving" on mass and social media, while paradoxically working against the better interests of these actual groups.

Of course, this was tied in thye past to subversive "active measures" promoted by both the Chinese and Russian communists. They have waged an intense domestic 'culture war' against America for 60 years now. They constantly sought to promote converts, and disinform and demoralize the American popular culture.

Their targetrs were political, economic, educational, and theological-- infiltrating and undernmining what ther majority culture identified with as normative ( demoralization) .

The generational affect has in fact produced today, a very large body of what you call "useful Idiots." 

Its important to note, these same groups often do have legitimate concerns. But from a communist revolutionary politcal perspective, they are simply  "tools" to be disgarded once their deconstructive social  purposes have been served, wedded as they are to promoting the the success of a larger corporate-financial-governmental power structure.

Their long term goal of such activity has always been to achieve and maintain coerrcive power to be used against the majority of American citizens. This has always been the true purpose of any popular communist revolution, employed in any country seen in modern history. ( Destabilization and Contriol)

We see this today, with the radical elements and very influential institutions who are pulling the strings on Creepy Joe, as you refer to him.  The destruction of the US economy at the expense of the very people who naively supported it, while greatly profitting from this destruction themselves, is the conspirators goal. They will do anything to achieve it.

Shark: I couldn't have said it better myself, Doctor.

But tell me, if our Buddha has been diagnosed as "Stage 4 TDS"-- how is that distinguished from Stages 1 through 3?

Dr Cameron: Now we come full circle to the  "Monarch Program."

You see Shark, We are in murky water now-- None of this has ever been verfied, there has been no "Church Commission" to declassify the "monarch Program" if in fact the US Government were or is still actually involved. 

The truth is, I dont believe if it exists, the US government sponsored inititative. The culture war has had political effects which would make the existence of such a government program 'unethical" even today, even among many radical leftists! 

That said, because of my own Mind-control experiments being back exposed  in 1977, the CIA is still always still first to siuspect in these matters. That fact has played rather well into the larger goals propaganda goals of actual subversives, who in fact might have run such a program for decades privately, reputedly enlisting criminal elements that would make your hair stand on end! 

Shark: Yeah, but Springmeyer? He's your source of belief in this program?

Dr Cameron: As you say, the truth leaves a footprint that can be followed.   Stage 4 TDS sufferers may in fact be among thousands of monarch programmed children raised to become "Agents of Influence" 

Shark: "Agents of influence." Yes, according to Springmeyer, these children were abducted in various ways, subjected to trauma and hypnosis as very young children, creating alternate ( split) perrsonalities ( "Alters") of which their primary personality is unaware. ( Dissociative Identity Disorder)   The theory is, these alters can be "called up " by their programmers and be activated to accomplish various unsavory tasks.

'Dr Cameron:

Yes, thats correct. And you might be able to recognize the commercial value of such indiviuduals. Hollywood stars and pop singers are potential  agents of influence. The Government would need plausablke deniability to conducty such a program, and might be subject to exposure and liability if it were ever exposed. It would be safer, in the long run to let private institutions do the dirty work, as it were.  The line between corporations and government involvement is always very blurred at this level.

Shark: Of course. Look at Epistines' corporate backing and beneficiaries. Not to mention his association with multi national intelligence services. 

So why are you a consultant in  TDS today, doctyor? What do you propose to do for our Buddha?

Dr Cameron : Im 121 years old Shark.  I know I have a lot to atone for. Arguably, the heady days of 1950-1970 mind control research against legitimate Soviet Union and Chinese threats seems to have lost the lnitiative in America.. the recognizable success of communist  research was apparently unhampered by Western "Judeo Christian morality."  I have lived to see is the destruction of entire civilizations using this technology, in various forms, in the last 100 yerars. I'm still researching it, and its unique American applicatrion. Nurse Cratchet is too, primarilly from a medical perspective.

Shark: What do you propose to do for our Buddha, Doctor?

Dr Cameron: 

Lets start, as any good diagnostician would, with an accurate diagnosis. 

Im operating on a hunch here, Shark. 

People like Springmeyer have long contended " Disneyland"  may be a corporate front for a commercial version of the Monarch Program. Any sort of organization that involves children is naturally suspect, as we have seen elsewhere in mass media, particulary in a commercial setting.

The McMartin Daycare Center,  the the Army Base, Presidio California, and  the Franklin Savings and Loan scandal (investigated by John Decamp ) all involved children alegedly being abused in a commercial-protective setting.

There has beem much written about these matters.. And where there is smoke, there is always fire. Epstine Island, and the alleged child abuse known as "pizzagate" sparked my interest a few years ago, and they have made me come out of retirement. 

Your friend Buddha appears now to be a fortunate lead for my on going research...However Im not yet convinced he's a victim of Monarch Programming...

If he is, we can discuss his treatment and  prognosis later.

But first, an accurate Diagnosis is required.

To be continued ......    

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Saving the Buddha ( Part 3) Monarch +2/-3 Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 4:54:42 PM