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12 of the last 22 years were under Republican administrations.

12 of the last 22 years were under Republican administrations.  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/21/2022 8:50:56 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The republicans you mention were RINOs and NEoCons. 
the recession was caused by the Congressional Black Caucus (Democrats)

who stubbornly refused to face the fact that housing was being inflated by predatory, unrealistic lending practices

Presided over by House Banking Comittee led by the pervert Barney Frank ( who was censured by Congress for running a male prostitution racket out of his home) and his gay accomplice Herb Moses, then Head of Freddie Mac . And of course they cried" racism" when Fannie May head Franklin Delano Raines was taking in millions (69 million a year bonuses) refusing to stop the subprime lending market.

Even GW Bushes guys tried to stop it., bit only half heartedly.

And then he took the fall in que, like a good little CFR puppet always does.

Then they installed Obama -

the first time a completely fabricated persona ( and family) was installed in the White House

Those aren't Obama's kids

Obama is a closet homosexual

and Michelle Obama is a transexusl

And thats why they hated Trump

they couldn't CONTROl him 

what would they do without uninformed Democrat slaves?

voting on the biggest plantation ever created? 

Useful Idiots!

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So Glad Trump is OUT OF OFFICE (NT) +7/-1 bladeslap 6/17/2022 6:05:37 PM