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Sharky, there is one Big difference...

Sharky, there is one Big difference...  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/22/2022 7:19:55 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

First of all Jetsheep

define "Extreme Right."

You seem to think everywhere me who supported Trump iis a fanatic

you said; 

When I refer to the violence of the Extreme Right, Jan 6, threatening videos, threatening letters, etc. I and referring to people who wish to force their political positions and beliefs on others and to hijack the government of the United States.

and when I see these people 

When I refer to Jan 6, threatening videos, threatening letters, etc. I'm referring to people who wish to not have their political positions and beliefs subverted and undermined by a fraudulent election, hijacled by those in the government and in powerful private sectors, to advance a personal or global agenda at the expense of the American poor and middle class. ( a growing political majority)

The fact you can't see it

doesn't make you right

anf surely doesn't make the radical left

who has actually killed hundrEd's of cops

destroyed government and private property 

and tried to kill a Supreme Court judge

a " righteous cause"

The fact you can't see the difference 

does make you a  

useful idiot! 

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The Extreme Right Is Increasingly Resorting To Violence... +5/-1 Jett 6/20/2022 10:19:43 PM