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I'll repeat something I have posted here and said in discussion: The AR15

I'll repeat something I have posted here and said in discussion: The AR15   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 5/26/2022 11:45:18 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'll repeat something I have posted here and said in discussion: The AR15 should be an NFA item.

Americans do own listed weapons, even fully automatic.

The NFA requirement would require more thorough background, other investigations than are currently in place. If nothing else they would limit the impulsive opportunity of potential mass shooters- the investigation typically takes anywhere from 8 months to a year. One doesn't celebrate your 18th birthday and buy 2 AR15s for a mass shooting a couple days after your 18th.

Oh- and your parents would probably know about the guns- Payton Gendron's did not.  They could not have attempted an intervention even if they were so inclined.


Look at our military people these days.Seems almost everyone comes back with some type of PTSD.

That problem happens more often than not. Because they are instructed to fill out the forms in a way that will get them benefits.

The military does not effectively address the issue. My experience is that guys with eventual PTSD diagnoses are not aware of or deny the issue until the treatment starts.


I love our military personel. But if they are diagnosed with any type of mental disorder, they should not be permitted to own a firearm.

We have more mental illness then ever these days. Every commercial is about some form of mental disfunction. They are presenting it like it's a common occurence.

PTSD is a common diagnosis. It is seldom manifested in violent acts. My experience is that our military and our vets are extremely principled and disciplined and do not engage non-combatants under any circumstances.


Problem is, it's impossible to prevent people from obtaining firearms. So restricting the law abiding citizens will prevent nothing.

Again, I believe the AR15 should be NFA. That would slow the acquisition and would increase effective investigation.


Criminals and mentally ill people will get them no matter what.

And keep in mind that many of these mass shootings are from guns owed by the household, not so much the individual.

Payton Gendron's parents didn't know he had the weapons.


It's a slippery slope and one that is very difficult to get a handle on.

But taking the guns out of the law abiding citizen will only lead to more killings. You MUST have the ability to defend yourself in a sane manner.


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Is this enough school shootings? +3/-0 bladeslap 5/26/2022 8:18:48 AM