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Pooty- why is it EVERY sexual animal displays homosexuality if it isn't

Pooty- why is it EVERY sexual animal displays homosexuality if it isn't   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/21/2022 4:17:15 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Pooty- why is it EVERY sexual animal displays homosexuality if it isn't natural?

EVERY sexual animal! They often stick with their same sex partners exclusively.

Why would a rational, sentient human choose a same sex partner if it wasn't a strong natural instinct?

It doesn't seem to matter how prohibitive your cultural norms are, even if the punishment is death, the relationships are there.

Dude, you were backward if you didn't know there was a difference between boys and girls. My age cohort was investigating those anatomical differences in the sexes even in the '50s when a sexual puritanical morality was the rule.

It would be so easy to abide by society norms, not being persecuted as a 'queer'. People die for sex all the time.

Your rant about Barbara Eden might be a display of a deeply closeted person. Like, you "know I ain't prejudiced I have black friends".

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