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Pooty- why is it EVERY sexual animal displays homosexuality if it isn't

Pooty- why is it EVERY sexual animal displays homosexuality if it isn't   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 4/21/2022 10:45:39 PM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


As a deeply closeted Lib -tard I don't expect you to understand this issue. You seem to think you're a "Republican" and seem to advocate for returning the Republican Party to being a scape goat for the Democrat mafia. Good job if you can get it, being a RINO-- you can gaslight the grey haired old ladies and angry old men seeing their fixed incomes being inflated away by shameless ignorant puppets like Creepy Joe, and never be in a position to change a damn thing!

That's why you hate Trumpism., or shall we call it "DeSantism?"

You know, this is why Democrats can't win. Their house is build on sand, when their agenda is finally recognized by the masses, the masses get out their clubs and pitch forks. November will be a bloodbath, and you only have yourselves to blame. 

But I digress.

Now to your comment vis a vis animals and homosexuality. Perhaps you have a lavender tinge to your own sexuality  and to compare yourself to s chimpanzee makes you feel better about opposing what you imagine as "puritanical sexual morality?"

No one who has lived as long as you and I can say we are ignorant of human sexual choices and yes, " animal instincts" but the problem I see with your point is

We are not animals. We are human.

(oops.. You humans are human-- I almost forgot I'm a Great White Shark!) 

You might try to define that difference. Being a secular humanist at heart, you have little time for a religious analysis of what it means to be a "human made in thd image of God" apparently. Most people today have been educated by naturalistic evolutionist propaganda (bad 19th century science) to imagine they are just animals.

So you look down to the animal kingdom as a guide for human behavior. One of the enobling characteristics of Western Civilization was that it's conception of humankind was based on a Creation of an intelligent creator.

When God created this world he apparently started with Bacteria ("let there be life") and over the course of a billion years or so, humans emerged from that process. God "created man from the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of LIFE, and man BECAME a LIVING SOUL"

that "soul" is eternal, immaterial, and made in the image of its creator. That's what makes you human.


Animals are to a degree, sentient beings. Sin and evil are common to humans only, because they often recognize they violate their own higher nature.

And so, describing sexual immorality of his own time (Romans) Saint Paul recognized that 

" though they knew God, they worshipped the creature rather than the creator" God gave them over to their unclean lusts. He endorsed human freedom as an extension of His own Divine nature. But humans would rather damage themselves and destroy their own higher natures in order to pursue fleshly pleasures, which in turn leades to greater excesses, until, like Sodom and Gomorrah they reap the fruits of their own perversions,

"their condemnation is just" Paul concluded.

Does that mean "God hates f a g s " --as the Crazy Baptist-Okie Cult claims?

On the contrary. Jesus died for all mankind's sin, because

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed on him should not perish, but have eternal life."

The jury is out concerning Gods finsl judgement of individuals. I am not that judge. But apparently, you humans have a BIG unresolved problem, seen throughout your recorded history, a problem you won't ever solve by modeling the behavior of mere brute animals acting on instinct alone. 

There is much to  humans that involves language and intelligence which is not common to the animals. Since you Libz aarently want to think you're a bunch of souped-up chimpanzees, you often act that way.. and to comfort yourselves in your sexual ( human ) perversions you NOW insist on brainwashing FIVE year olds?!

Jesus, the crucified,  would-be savior of your eternal souls. had no time for what you (and Disney) are presently advocating ..

"If anyone causes any of these little-ones to sin.." ( read brainwashing them into pre-pubecent gender confusion, and maybe making them would-be anchovies on Hillary's Pizza! A pedophile paradise, led by Mickey Mouse himself..)

It would be better for them on the Day of Judgement that they be tossed into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck"

Yeah. I'm thinking of all the broken lives, and destroyed health and futures of humans who enter apparenyly "looking down" and serving their animal "instincts" ( actually driven by lower brain functions) rather than "lookin up" to the Creator  and accepting his enlightenment and hope for their personal salvation.

People like you, who endorse sexual deviance, abortion, eugenics, and The BIG LIE, all hope in vain ( and support your criminally insane politicians) looking for a better world.

You haven't found it yet. "Welcome to the Jungle."

Satan, afterall, was characterized as "the father of lies, and a murder from the beginning"

It isn't "hate" that inspires this present parental rebellion against everything you and the "Woke left" believes and wants to teach our children. Your present foolish fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the Spirit and love of God which you have choosen to reject.

Saint Paul was correct in his analysis of this problem.

(Wisdom 2000 years old, and counting!) 

Thus Quoth the Whales.

Our Libz are unwittingly,

in fact,


Useful idiots! 




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