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P.S. Trump is not, was not ever a "Republican" any more than I am a car if

P.S. Trump is not, was not ever a "Republican" any more than I am a car if  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/25/2022 1:09:13 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

P.S. Trump is not, was not ever a "Republican" any more than I am a car if I am in the garage.

Putting my cars in the garage is taking advantage of an opportunity. Trump saw the chaos in the Republican Party as an opportunity for self-promotion and self-benefit. 

"Probably the most celebrated adapter of the expression was another great wit from the Dublin literary scene, the Irish Republican and self-proclaimed "drinker with a writing problem", Brendan Behan. Behan's boisterous lifestyle meant that for him, more than others, there was truth in his opinion that:

"There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary."

We saw Trump's obituary in 2020, he's dead and doesn't know it. Losing a presidential election to Joe Biden who is spectacularly the proverbial second choice for POTUS in the Democratic Party?

Only Trump as the other choice could get Joe Biden the presidency. At least he's not Trump. who killed a million Americans with his delayed response to Covid 19 which caused the sharpest economic contraction and highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

Who would want that president reelected? Blindly loyal TrumpeRINOs.

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