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Crow, I have more than once questioned if you pay attention

Crow, I have more than once questioned if you pay attention   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/28/2022 12:19:57 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Where do you get your news?

I don't lend credence to any particular source and read as broadly as possible. I do subscribe to 

The Economist

Last updated on April 4th, 2021 at 05:29 pm

The Economist - Least Biased - Not Right - Not Left - Not Liberal - Not Conservative - CredibleFactual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes).  The reporting is factual and usually sourced.  These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Economist Least Biased based on balanced reporting and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: United Kingdom (35/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Magazine
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic


Founded in 1843, The Economist is an English-language weekly news magazine edited in London, UK. The current editor is Zanny Minton Beddoes. According to their about page, The Economist “is neither right nor left but a blend of the two, drawing on the classical liberalism of the 19th century and coming from what we like to call the radical center.”

Funded by / Ownership

The Economist is owned by the Economist Group, which is a British multinational media company. They are primarily owned by the CadburyRothschildSchroder, Layton, and Agnelli families. Subscriptions, advertising, and sponsored content generate revenue for the Economist.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Economist takes an editorial stance of classical and economic liberalism that supports free trade, globalization, open immigration, and social liberalism. There is minimal use of loaded language in headlines and articles such as this: America’s new attitude towards China is changing the countries’ relationship. In fact, most articles are well written with a very low emotional bias. Economically, The Economist leans right, but they also support such initiatives as a carbon tax and environmental protectionism, which are not right-wing positions.

Editorially, The Economist endorses both Republicans and Democrats in the United States. For example, they endorsed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2016 while endorsing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush in earlier elections. In the UK, they most recently endorsed the Liberal Democrats, which hold left-leaning libertarian positions. One criticism of The Economist is that most of their articles are penned anonymously, which they explain is to maintain a continuity of writing. They do, however, provide a media directory where you can view who is involved in writing and editing.

2014 Pew Research Survey found that 59% of the Economist’s audience is consistently or mostly liberal, 24% Mixed, and 18% consistently or mostly conservative. This indicates that a more liberal audience prefers the Economist.

Failed Fact Checks

  • None in the Last 5 years

Overall, we rate The Economist Least Biased based on balanced reporting and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record. (7/10/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 03/11/2021)


And I read as broadly as possible on whatever I'm interested in at the moment.


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Biden’s economy at work! +1/-2 Old Guy 4/28/2022 11:11:27 AM