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Biden: “The Great Uniter”

Biden: “The Great Uniter”  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 11/15/2021 11:26:02 PM  +4/-4  

Yeah, Biden said he would unite the nation.
Thats one promise he has almost kept!

Remember the 4 years of The Donald....

Democrats lied, impeached,

fake dossiers, fake Rissian collusion stories

Paid the bail for rioting BLM protestors 

wrung their hands at Trump's "buget deficit"

( Yes, that was YOU, Buddha!) 

preached about Trumps lack of a moral compass

while ignoring pedophiles and satanists high places. 

The left lost its mind when nothing could divide the fact 

unemployment and fuel costs wete  at an all time low

people made money on stock because of profits, and lower debt and tax ratios 

American Prosperity.

The communist backing billionares

and other useful idiot hate it, because

exploiting cheap labor in China is more profitable for billionaires 

than investing in the prosperity of their own country

So having failed to divide the populace and support for "Trumpism"

Big money colluded with Chinese communists to launch a bio-weapon on the world

Shut down the American prosperity 

rig an election

Create fake news events and false flags

( like Jan 6th) "an insurrection" planned by "Trump" --of course! 

As if a bunch of tools invading a Capitol building

could be called an "insurrection"


Csnt even be compared to 4 years of Crimes and Mayhem seen on the left: 

Soros sponsored riots, vandalism and murder in our cities 

 medical malfeasance ( expirimental vaccines) 

corporate-political collusion( fascism) 

excuse to print Tens of Trillions

and inflate away and redistribute American wealth and savings

"The Great Re-Set" planned by billionaires in Davos

enacted by corporate media and political puppets

exploiting and crushing the poor 

While denying 30 peer reviewed medical studies ( ivermectin ) 

and culpability for the seats of hundreds of thousands. 

Marxist refgimes murdered  at least 200 million humans during the last century 

and only the ignorant and brainwashed don't know any better

they actually voted for Creepy Joe

while today the vast majority of Americans are now UNITED

who realize Creepy Joe is just a disposable hand-puppet,

(not a president elected by the people) 

who was selected to preside over the "lowering of expectation" 

the acceptance of fraud, poverty, and ignorance as a "good thing"

Yes,  Creepy Joe has United most of the nation

as Admiral Yamamoto correctly observed after Pearl Harbor:

"I fear all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant,

and filled him with a terrible resolve." 

January 20, 2021- a day that "will live in infamy" 

the only thing I think is good about all this is the fact 

Libz are and WERE so visibly WRONG

it can no longer be denied.

Creepy Joe has almost United the nation on that view

held by everyone but a few paid propagandists 

and simple minded

















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Biden: “The Great Uniter” +4/-4 Shooting Shark 11/15/2021 11:26:02 PM