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“Refute my claim”

“Refute my claim”  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 3/30/2022 4:35:57 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You are obviously logic impared 

"refute my claim"

So I went to the local gas station to buy a lottery ticket. In the parking lot the guy next to me slams his door into mind and we go to fist city. The cops pull up and throw us both in jail. I never buy my lottery ticket. I try to sue the guy for assault ( civil court) and list 26 million in damages, claiming I would have won the lottery had we not had this altercation.

A counterfact claim,the judge rules.

how do I know I woulda won the lottery? 

"because the winning number was the one I was gonna play" I contend, lying like a good democrat.

now if I be was a transgendered black communist human, I might get a better hearing. But alas I'm a 65 foot great white shark. I can't convince the judge I have standing in his courtroom, being the Governor of Atlantis and all. 

So what's a sentient being to do? 

Blame Trump!

" Your honor the flaming Lib respondent intentionally slammed the door of his Subaru into my GMC 3500 pickup truck. He was cussing about Trump, snd Covid, shouting at me for not wearing a mask",   I plead. The judge listens and asks " why did he know you were a Trump supporter Mr Shark?" 

"Probably because of the 6 foot flag hanging from my gun rack in back of the bed ".. I continued.."which proudly states"


"Its because Trump was elected that this crazy Lib tried to attack a 4 ton GMC truck, (driven by an 8 ton Great White Shark, no less) with his prissy little Subaru Impressa".. I continued ..

"Had Hillary won, gas prices woulda been 8 bucks a gallon by 2018. She woulda invaded Ukraine herself provoking Vlad P into a full release nuclear exchange. Covid-19 woulda never happened, since 3/4 of the humans in dry land woulda already died from radiation poisoning and blasr effects. Clunate change would be " Nuclear Winter"

"Wuhan labs woulda been incinerated, along with Dr Fauci while he was making an inspection tour of the enhanced weaponized  Corona virus funded by a US Government highly classified, special compartmentalized Security classification." 

"Thankfully , your honor, ( I continued) Trump won thee Ed 2026 election, sparking an economic revival and unprecedented employment growth. I bought this truck with some of my stock gains, paid cash! Now this stupid Lib comes along, filled with media inspired hatred of Trump and apparently big Gas Guzzling Diesel Trucks like mine!"  

ReFUTE My Allegations!! I tell the judge.

he replies

Sir, this case is dismissed.

This court has determined your COUNTeRFACTUaL Argumenys are without merit.
You sir, are a 






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Putin got “the nod” from the west +2/-2 Shooting Shark 3/30/2022 9:07:42 AM