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I call that miss information

I call that miss information   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 11/2/2022 12:33:47 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"The constitution requires that the voter is a citizen, how is that done without a ID of some kind."

You miss the point- "The Constitution does not require ID to vote, does it?"

Now, suppose that resident alien has a drivers license. 20 states offer driving privileges to unauthorized immigrants. That's IOD is it not?


"... every state I checked required a signature that is verified." 

The signature is compared to signatures in hand for that voter, not a list of citizens. One self-attests to citizenship in that process. 

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Here's a bit of misinformation from the democrats in the GA senate race +4/-4 Citizens for sanity 10/30/2022 2:03:53 PM