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Close Flipper? "Fake news"?  +4/-3 Shooting Shark 6/28/2022 9:31:36 PM

Close Flipper? Old Guy? "Fake news"?  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/28/2022 7:47:21 PM

Close Trump's chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney - Damning info  +4/-0   bladeslap 6/28/2022 7:46:41 PM

Close You can't make this *hit up even if you try (NT)  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/28/2022 7:31:00 PM

Close Old guy, are you still store Trump lost? (NT)  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/28/2022 7:30:28 PM

Close Still Sore trump lost? (NT)  +4/-1 bladeslap 6/28/2022 7:30:14 PM

Close While we're talking about presidents and showers....  +3/-0   TheCrow 6/28/2022 6:54:49 PM

Close You think this dude is suitable for POTUS?  +4/-0 Jett 6/28/2022 6:47:29 PM

Close Creepy Joe, did he take showers with his daughter?  +3/-0   TheCrow 6/28/2022 6:07:19 PM

Close Creepy Joe, did he take showers with his daughter?  +1/-4   Old Guy 6/28/2022 5:32:26 PM

Close There is NO right to privacy that includes a abortions  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/28/2022 3:06:36 PM

Close More Evidence That All Citizens Should Be Armed...  +3/-0   TheCrow 6/28/2022 1:37:52 PM

Close More Evidence That All Citizens Should Be Armed...  +3/-0 Jett 6/28/2022 12:28:07 PM

Close MTG is NOT my represenative, so no problem.  +3/-0   TheCrow 6/28/2022 12:08:23 PM

Close More Evidence That All Citizens Should Be Armed...  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/28/2022 11:35:59 AM

Close Jan 6th Committee calls emergency Public hearing tomorrow  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/27/2022 10:37:49 PM

Close MTG is NOT my represenative, so no problem. (NT)  +4/-0 TheCrow 6/27/2022 8:38:26 PM

Close Pooty's dealing with his bad experiences at Disney.  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/27/2022 1:08:19 PM

Close It's a reflection of the brain power on the Extreme Right...  +4/-0   TheCrow 6/27/2022 12:52:37 PM

Close Just the opposite!  +2/-3 Old Guy 6/27/2022 10:59:21 AM

Close Donors flocking AWAY from Trump  +3/-0   bladeslap 6/27/2022 8:06:04 AM

Close It's a reflection of the brain power on the Extreme Right...  +1/-2 Shooting Shark 6/27/2022 12:10:31 AM

Close Nope, Simply Repeating What Sammy Jackson Said, A Black Man...  +3/-2 Shooting Shark 6/27/2022 12:05:39 AM

Close How does "Uncle Clarence" feel about overturning Loving v Virginia?  +2/-3   Shooting Shark 6/26/2022 11:31:23 PM

Close "Victory For White Life", No Mix-Up Here, We get It...  +2/-2 Shooting Shark 6/26/2022 10:45:47 AM

Close Alice testifies at y the Jan 6th hearings  +2/-2   Shooting Shark 6/26/2022 8:57:17 AM

Close Alice testifies at y the Jan 6th hearings  +3/-2   Shooting Shark 6/26/2022 8:53:47 AM

Close Explains it all  +3/-0 Ted Walker Jr. 6/25/2022 9:58:30 PM

Close Just a reminder how how corrupt Trump is  +3/-0   bladeslap 6/25/2022 5:10:19 PM

Close voice of the people?  +2/-2 Shooting Shark 6/25/2022 10:33:35 AM

Close CNN rateings  +4/-3 Old Guy 6/25/2022 12:31:37 AM

Close That Bitch Judge Thomas Now Wants To Stop Gay Marriage...  +2/-3 Shooting Shark 6/24/2022 10:17:18 PM

Close More fluff and no substance  +2/-2   Shooting Shark 6/24/2022 2:49:41 PM

Close More fluff and no substance  +2/-3   Shooting Shark 6/24/2022 2:46:45 PM

Close DOJ investigating fake electors plot  +2/-3   Shooting Shark 6/24/2022 2:32:59 PM

Close DOJ investigating fake electors plot  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/24/2022 1:57:48 PM

Close Trump's the man (NT)  +1/-3 observer II 6/24/2022 1:44:03 PM

Close Well aren't you the definition of civic stupid (NT)  +1/-1 observer II 6/24/2022 1:43:28 PM

Close That's so super secret funny. (NT)  +1/-1 observer II 6/24/2022 1:41:11 PM

Close So are you enjoying this thriving economy Mr/Mrs Tranny  +2/-2 observer II 6/24/2022 1:40:23 PM

Close More fluff and no substance  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/24/2022 1:37:36 PM

Close What does the right of privacy got to do with abortion  +4/-0   TheCrow 6/24/2022 12:17:31 PM

Close What does the right of privacy got to do with abortion  +1/-3 Old Guy 6/24/2022 12:13:56 PM

Close King Donald has spoken!  +4/-1 TheCrow 6/24/2022 11:19:31 AM

Close To you that think Trump will be charged  +2/-3 Old Guy 6/24/2022 11:00:22 AM

Close A question for Trumpists: is a mob the voice of the people?  +4/-0   TheCrow 6/24/2022 10:42:37 AM

Close Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade  +4/-3 Old Guy 6/24/2022 10:40:13 AM

Close Just for you, observer II.  +1/-0 TheCrow 6/24/2022 10:08:39 AM

Close He had Zero proof of any corruption  +3/-0 bladeslap 6/24/2022 8:55:52 AM

Close Yes, Trump indeed committed a crime  +4/-0   bladeslap 6/24/2022 8:54:13 AM

Close You are a F**** MORON  +3/-0 Louisa 6/23/2022 10:46:44 PM

Close You are clueless  +1/-2   Old Guy 6/23/2022 3:56:46 PM

Close You are clueless  +3/-0 bladeslap 6/23/2022 3:39:22 PM

Close Trump still living in your head  +1/-2 Old Guy 6/23/2022 3:38:11 PM

Close Quit showing us just how uninformed you are  +3/-1 bladeslap 6/23/2022 3:19:50 PM

Close This is so true  +2/-3   Old Guy 6/23/2022 12:13:41 PM

Close Strong Link Between Supporting Biden And  +2/-2   Old Guy 6/23/2022 9:54:50 AM

Close Strong Link Between Supporting Biden And  +2/-2 Old Guy 6/23/2022 9:49:52 AM

Close I agree (NT)  +1/-2 Old Guy 6/23/2022 9:36:55 AM

Close not mainstream America...  +1/-3   Shooting Shark 6/23/2022 8:29:29 AM

Close “RT Carlson”.. one of Buddha’s “Alters”  +2/-2   Shooting Shark 6/23/2022 8:25:06 AM

Close (No Subject)  +2/-2   Shooting Shark 6/22/2022 11:26:33 PM

Close Desantis Now Ahead of Trump in Republican Primary  +3/-0   bladeslap 6/22/2022 7:12:17 PM

Close Stage 3 TDS  +2/-2 Shooting Shark 6/22/2022 2:45:38 PM

Close Gas is expensive here is  +2/-2   Shooting Shark 6/22/2022 2:39:15 PM

Close And???  +3/-0 RT Carlson 6/22/2022 11:22:52 AM

Close Gas is expensive here is  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/22/2022 11:06:41 AM

Close Sharky, there is one Big difference...  +1/-2 Old Guy 6/22/2022 8:51:06 AM

Close Sharky, there is one Big difference...  +3/-2 Shooting Shark 6/22/2022 7:19:55 AM

Close Gas is expensive here is  +3/-3   Old Guy 6/22/2022 12:30:03 AM

Close Sharky, there is one Big difference...  +3/-1 Jett 6/21/2022 11:48:13 PM

Close Crow, you are sadly mistaken  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/21/2022 1:01:36 PM

Close Moral equivalence as an excuse Pooty? I thought that lost it''s  +1/-3 Shooting Shark 6/21/2022 12:44:21 PM

Close Crow, you are sadly mistaken  +2/-2 Old Guy 6/21/2022 12:38:42 PM

Close He needs more help than this!  +4/-0   TheCrow 6/21/2022 12:22:39 PM

Close Colberts insurrection team!  +3/-1   TheCrow 6/21/2022 12:02:09 PM

Close Once upon a time.... (NT)  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/21/2022 11:52:40 AM

Close He needs more help than this!  +2/-3   Old Guy 6/21/2022 10:19:55 AM

Close Colberts insurrection team!  +4/-3 Old Guy 6/21/2022 9:40:58 AM

Close We found a super secret photo of Flipper  +4/-1   bladeslap 6/21/2022 9:20:21 AM

Close 12 of the last 22 years were under Republican administrations.  +2/-3 Shooting Shark 6/21/2022 8:50:56 AM

Close The Extreme Right Is Increasingly Resorting To Violence...  +3/-3 Shooting Shark 6/21/2022 8:30:50 AM

Close Deprogramming the Buddha  +5/-3   Shooting Shark 6/20/2022 8:57:11 PM

Close Deprogramming the Buddha  +5/-3   Shooting Shark 6/20/2022 8:25:54 PM

Close Projector  +3/-2   Shooting Shark 6/20/2022 5:53:45 PM

Close Should I start posting creepy Joes perverted acts  +4/-0 TheCrow 6/20/2022 4:42:21 PM

Close Projector  +3/-0 bladeslap 6/20/2022 4:41:36 PM

Close 1 in 5 Republicans think Trump should be prosecuted  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/20/2022 3:21:25 PM

Close A majority of America's problems arise from the letter "T"  +1/-2 Shooting Shark 6/20/2022 2:46:58 PM

Close 1 in 5 Republicans think Trump should be prosecuted  +3/-2 Shooting Shark 6/20/2022 2:39:03 PM

Close Still sore Trump got his head handed to him?  +4/-0 bladeslap 6/20/2022 12:34:32 PM

Close 1 in 5 Republicans think Trump should be prosecuted  +3/-0 bladeslap 6/20/2022 12:14:50 PM

Close Pooty Shart demonstrating schizophrenia....  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/20/2022 11:19:57 AM

Close 309convictions so far. (NT)  +3/-0 TheCrow 6/20/2022 11:17:38 AM

Close It's one thing to be charged with a crime  +1/-2 Founding Fathers 6/20/2022 11:16:20 AM

Close So Abrams is attacking Kemp on his no permit gun carrying policy.  +3/-3 Founding Fathers 6/20/2022 11:09:53 AM

Close HE SAID OBOZO/BIDEN. FOCUS DANIELSON (NT)  +2/-2 observer II 6/20/2022 10:15:20 AM

Close Is that after he fell riding a bike lol :) (NT)  +2/-2 observer II 6/20/2022 10:14:07 AM

Close I think you nailed it shark (NT)  +2/-2 observer II 6/20/2022 10:13:21 AM

Close so how many of you libs have gotten the 4th booster?  +2/-3 observer II 6/20/2022 10:00:14 AM

Close The definition of obsessed and unhinged. Get help (NT)  +3/-2 observer II 6/20/2022 8:51:22 AM

Close “ TRUMP”  +3/-2 Shooting Shark 6/20/2022 12:08:14 AM

Close What Buddha sees…when he hears the name “ TRUMP”  +3/-3   Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 11:50:53 PM

Close Nurse! Nurse!  +4/-2   Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 11:17:37 PM

Close Mirror image of Trump  +4/-1 bladeslap 6/19/2022 10:42:55 PM

Close Can't get published, huh?  +2/-2 Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 9:26:53 PM

Close Can't get published, huh? (NT)  +3/-1 TheCrow 6/19/2022 8:31:50 PM

Close Saving the Buddha ( Part 4) Katy Perry  +2/-1   Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 7:51:12 PM

Close Saving the Buddha ( Part 4) Katy Perry  +2/-1   Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 6:38:47 PM

Close Saving the Buddha ( Part 3) Monarch  +2/-3 Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 4:54:42 PM

Close Saving The Buddha ( Part 3) Dr Cameron  +2/-2   Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 2:41:41 PM

Close Saving The Buddha ( Part 2)  +3/-2 Shooting Shark 6/19/2022 2:40:39 PM

Close Should I start posting creepy Joes perverted acts (NT)  +2/-2 observer II 6/19/2022 11:19:03 AM

Close Hope that makes you feel better mod. UR one angry person  +1/-3 observer II 6/19/2022 11:16:48 AM

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