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"Such an idiot" Yes, you are. You think you know Georgia state election law

"Such an idiot" Yes, you are. You think you know Georgia state election law  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 11/23/2021 4:50:51 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Yes, you are. You think you know Georgia state election law by some sort of divine revelation from the "Second Coming", the "Chosen One's" vision. You are an election law attorney admitted to the bar in the state of Georgia? The people who accepted and endorsed the election are such. And The Donald is not.

But Trump, who has no election law training and is not an attorney in the state of Georgia, makes a claim and you rely on it. He's a serial liar, a cheat and a thief. Useful idiot, QAnoner.

Trump makes a politically advantageous claim, exactly in line with his denunciation of the American system of elections, and you accept and enodorse your Fuhrer's position. Useful idiot, QAnoner.

What's the term so often used here...? Oh yeah- Useful idiot, QAnoner.

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To Crow +2/-3 Old Guy 11/23/2021 1:12:41 PM