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"Reading Comprehension" P.S. I'm not "leftist" except in comparison to

"Reading Comprehension" P.S. I'm not "leftist" except in comparison to   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 2/28/2022 2:25:40 PM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"To the (sic) and the problem with leftists like you,

"for propaganda reasons you always paint the picture in simplistic terms."


I'm not "leftist" except in comparison to Trump, Trumpist extreme right wing white nationalism.


Perhaps I misspoke- I respect my opponents' strengths. Even Trump is not all bad, he failed as president in spite of few accomplishments.

I'm not a 'mindless' Trump basher. I preferred him to Hillary, who I could not at that time, vote for. I am proud to say that in spite of that, I did not vote for him in 2016. Now, I would never vote for him- he's proven that he's either shamelessly pursuing a 'president for life' position; or he's nucking futz. Perhaps both.

His followers crave a strongman forever president that spares them having to take a decision, assume some responsibility and vote.

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Well, well. well... +2/-0 Shooting Shark 2/26/2022 11:58:19 PM